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The Adventures of Joel Pepper


Word Count: 4083    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

is face, for she was tying on Phronsie's eating apron, and Mother Pepper was i

wait any longer for those boys

d. "I'm sorry they're late, for I've got a surprise for you all to-night." She

r chair to precipitate herself into the midst of the group. "See, Ben! See!" exclaime

seem to see them. However, Polly didn't notice, for she was dancing aro

top!" sang Phronsie, beatin

h, how I wish those two boys were here! Mamsie, wher

ped she ran out, and gave it to me all done up. 'I've been watching for you,' she said, 'for I knew you were helping at Deacon Brown's to-day. We had comp'ny last night, and I want

ny last night," said Polly, her mouth w

sie, stopping her dance sudd

little laugh, "you must eat your bread

ey?" aske

" Polly flew into her own. "Why don't those

," observed Mother Pepper, composedly, and getting i

Oh, Ben!" exclaimed Polly, in dismay, "you didn't

to the woodshed, where a tin basin and a towel and soap were always ready, for Mother Peppe

e bit little pieces all around the edge of her slice. Then she laid it down. "Now I'm re

n't give it to you till you've eaten all your slice. Besides, you

bread, Mammy dear," s

it," said Mrs.

"Oh, you can't think how soon it will be gone, if you begin to eat." And Polly munched away determined

ie," with a little laugh, and the door opened, and in bur

t's co

t Hills



ig eleph

el, who screamed it abo

, and a hip

d just concluded to try again and do like Polly, so she sat quite still and stared, with her bread halfway

y begin, because you are the oldest." But it was impossible to st

ie, his cheeks aflame, "you c

could stop her, she slipped out of her chair and plunged

uted Joel, winding both arms

r, looking over their heads. Then her eyes fell on

id howled on, and Phronsie screamed to be taken up in her mother's

t?" asked

Ben, slowly, "comin

to Mrs. Pepper. "Oh, Mamsie!" she screamed, as loud as the o

tle Peppers swarming all around her, and all pleading toge

ely. "You know we can't. And Joel

'cept the pictures. We must go!" On hearing this from Polly, Joel and D

ied Ben over at her. "You know

back at him, "if Mamsie'll only say so

rm voice that rose above the din, "stop, eve

y drew off from her and tumbled into their chairs; all but Phronsie. "I'll take you into my lap," sa

is quiet enough so I can think, I'll

" begged Joel. "You said I m

to tell it, and you didn't take the chance," sa

the store," began Ben, slowly, and trying

interrupted Joel, springing up from h

. Pepper, sternly, "and do

s if shot, back

day," went on Ben, unwillingly, "and that's al

o! We've never seen a circus, and now it's goin' to be in Hillsbury, we m

to use, Polly," said

d Polly, her cheeks turning scarlet, and twi

g her head up like a little bird out of he

sked Mrs. Pepper, smiling down

twelve, and ten cents for boys a

en cents for you, and ten ce

olly; "we shouldn't any of us want

But we ain't any of us go

aking out from the two boys. Polly

boy as Ben, and such a girl as Polly, to look after you." Polly raised her head, that had drooped at her mother's reproof, and Ben sat quite straight in

Pepper, slowly, as if trying to put off the final decision as

" declared Joel,

d Phronsie--" Mrs. Pepper looked down at Phronsie's yellow head, and smiled. It wasn't necessary for

cost money," s

ind," said Joel, confidently; "t

un into the bedroom and get the stocking-leg." The stocking-leg, in the upper drawer of the big bureau that belonged to Father Pepper's mother, always held the

. "O dear me! We must--I mean, what shall we do if we can't go? I guess Mamsie will let us go." And sh

on the table, the eyes of all five little Peppers riveted on them. There wer

ieces in a row. No one dared to speak, except Joel. "What a lot!" he cried joyfull

's face, "there won't anything pay very well, circus or anything else, if we go when we hadn't ought to. We

f out of the chair and face downward on the floor, breaking into heartrending sobs, little Davie at once joining him. Polly got out of her seat and hurried ov

er face." At the word "sick," Joel stopped screaming, and bobbed up his head to take a good look at Mrs. Pepper. "Mamsie, don

n as she has," cried Mother Pepper, putting her arms around

k you were two big babies, you act

r and wiping off the tears with the back of a grimy hand.

tear-stained and streaky. "Now just look here, Ben," and he sprang ou

nough to act better," said Ben,

le David, getting down on the floor by Joel t

down on the floor smartly. "Children, don't quarrel," said Polly, finding

ly, feeling quite sure of the d

alled Polly, tryi

he couldn't be as tall as Joel, it was well

to shake it very gravely, "it's cake. And pleas

nows, I can't expect you to wait any lon

suring him that the bread must be eaten first, he began at once on the slice she cut for him. And being really very hungry, now that they had time to think about it, the two boys

I never saw such hands, Joel Pepper! Go righ

d cake!" exclaim

into his mouth that he didn't half

wash your face and hands at on

" said Joel, his

going too, to wash mine." So he laid his cake

" said Joel, getting the tin basin

aid David; "they

face in. Then he splashed his hands, and gave them a hasty wipe on the long brown towel hanging fr

lowly. Then he threw out the water from the basin, and carefully f

cross the table while she snipped off a little piece of the white frosting from her slice, wishing

out, while he turned David's slice over so that it didn't show where the big bite h

er Pepper look around. She hadn't heard Polly. Down went Jo

e, and his face fell as he saw the big hole

ine's et up," said Joel, m

"here now, you may have some of min

David, who never could bear to have Joel blamed

r-dear," bo

his cake in

said, leaning ov

orry," blubbered

he table to comfort Joel. But it wasn't till Polly said, "Come, Joey," that he w

back so long; and then she took his hand and led him into the bedroom, and the rest of the children sat still and very uncomfortab

e blade broken, and the other al

ossession had made him very proud and boastful. It

knife!" he cried, agh

running out into the entry to hurry into the woods

er. "Joel feels very sorry he's taken any of

nife," said Davie,

dly, as Joel came running in and laid the knife on the table in front of

to take Joel's black stubby head in her two hands. "Oh,

Joe!" cried B

face getting redder and redder. "Mamsie,

eared, the dishes were cleared away, and Phronsie put to bed, and everything

ust beginning to think of the circus again. "Do tell, Polly!

yn't we have a little play out in the orchard next Wednesday, and can't Joel and David sit

e?" cried the two

" Polly's brown eyes we

Pepper, indulgently, "si

ody ever had such a perfectly beautiful time," declared Polly, as they dragged their chair

n seeing her face bright and rosy once more

ly on the table; "what's the play to be, Po

t time," said Polly, with a li

ng to be a bear," repe

is play, and you've got to be

tle rings of brown hair with an impatient hand. Then she caught her mother's e

e, you oughtn't to tease Polly so. It's bad

something quite fine and extra," and she looked at Ben meaningly. He nodded, s

d I know what I'm going to do, Po

"for the cat is going to be Phronsie.

hing but Joel, and I a

" said Ben. "Polly can't get on

so you can be a bear, only you must promis

single bit, Polly," p

rful play, and Mother Pepper glanced up now and then from her mending, and

'em, for the comforts they are!" But she sigh

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