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The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte


Word Count: 3615    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

turkeys," Bob remarked when the noonday meal was nearly finished, and t


e prize long horn for meanne

he do?" Mrs. Fenton asked soberly, a

explained, then went on with an account

boys. You didn't tel

islands seemed to know we were coming. Didn't seem reasonable t

ews of your arriving from Texas did spread, but it's p

ir wings are clipped as soon as they are big enough to get any height, and turkeys do not fly very high or far, anyway. Some one, or some band of thieves must have made away with them. Hezzy is hired to raise them, I haven't time to and look after the farm, an

a where

ed away there in the woods, and let it be known, or came back themselves. We have three watchm

ting his own brand on

ything like that. I wouldn't have anyone hear

own him since I was a boy. He's a fine poultry man and absolutely reliable. Keeps his records as accurate as

he was such a bear, it just occurred to me he might b

gain. Why, I should be so di

h it, Aunt Bell

ogs to help guard it. They should be here in a day or so," Mr. Fenton said, then added.

d eat another piec

t, not a sliver

r regret,"

," Aunt Be

path under a grove of huge maples, across the road onto the farm proper, past

the alfalfa meadow rising gently on the further side, and be

boy at work, and they stood quietly watching him. He did not realize they

grasped in both hands, stood it upright, then jumped, his feet landing in the middle; driving the queer to

of a chant." The step-brothers listened and in a moment they could hear, but the words and melody were unfamiliar. As the youngster straightened u

le like an Indian, a g

ind if we

ich he turned over the earth and before they were very close they saw that he was making some kind of trench. At the nearest end the work seemed to be finished, and then they could tell that he was making a terrace along the edge of the alfalfa plot. A

dded. Presently they came up to the boy. When their shadows fell across his plow, he glanced up quickly and

" he d

m back to the other side where he showed them a narrow trench. With one scoop of his shovel he removed the earth that still held the water as a dam, and it started to

admiration. "Some irrigator

ting dry around the edges, and prom

will be tickled pink. Say, Ji

e," Jim r

f reading something about some old race or

be it was th

oofs, what's this

ly, but if you find anything, you have to let me in on it," Jim laughed. The boy watc

ble to crowd some real excitement into our visit. I'm dying to know who this kid is and where he came from, mystery number one; I'd like to do

a line on that gang that is giving friend Bradshaw su

Dad kid the life out of us if he knew

could stay as long as we like, and they meant it, even if we are boys. Let's organize a secret-s-e-c-r-e-t-

or a while, the three of us, that includes Her Highness. We'll keep on the job until we win, or we hav

to Her Highness," the

unless there's a lot of air work to

, b

Belle," Bo

g?" Mrs. Fenton called from the roadway

left them and soon the sound of a hammer ringing in the distance informed them they were on the right t

re wanted on the te

and dropping his work, came as fas

's holding the line

Mr. Fenton replied. He went ahead

, but, gosh, what a fight they had to put up to get a living out of those rocks," Bob remarked as

snorters, rearin' to go," Jim added. By that time they had reached the "

don't want to do any butting-in on that kid. Maybe, far

ke friends with him," Bob suggested, and


shouted to

get me to Burlington?" the ma

an hour," B

much trouble fo

sured him. "Ever been

n't," the m

it make you sick to your stomach when

never ge

all righ

ap you in,"

carry three of u

in the back, and she'll carry som

hat plane, and besides, we helped in the selection. Sh

hing. Maybe you'd like to try

"A chap called me up on important business, and if I

eavy coat on. We ha

I need

wn with the parachute ove

ghty nic

r Highness in

in the back, while Jim was fussing about the pilot's seat. Mr. Fenton was given the extra helmet and a pair of goggles, both

had come down to see her husband start on his

ose contraptions, Norm

elle. When we get rich, we'l

good horse and bu

an engine or gets his wings ripped off," Bob shout

he said was lost in the roar of the motor. He grabbed the edge of the seat as Her Highness lifted her nose eagerly, and he hung on grimly as she spiraled in wide curves over the lake. At a thousand feet the young pilot l

on a conversation yet. Jim followed the lake, and as they were approaching their destination, he spoke again

shore." Mr. Fenton felt like an old timer

silence. He glanced at Jim, who grinned reassuringly as he kicked the rudder about and brought Her Highness into a long glide toward

re?" Mr. F

do you like

most get heart failure when t

you had brought

ers and

place nea

straps, and by that time Bob stepp

mp over, Uncle Norman. How

y would work, and in a moment he mounted the boat

t here," J

oplane," shouted a sm

Her Highness nam

e minute," Jim replied. "L

it was as smooth as a sheet," Bob answered.

low," Jim speculated as Her High

hurry. We'll have them on our tail as we go back. Got plenty of gas? I read that in some pl

up. Somehow, I think a nice Texas desert is pleasanter to land on than

back above the sho

time this evening, we might locate a place to land on the farm, but we'll have


here he was standing with a group of men and an a

ghness," Bob urged the plane as his step

pilots to bring him to town in a private pl

getting some relief," another added. "

g," Mr. Fenton responded.

unger boy crawled back to his seat, attached his own parachute, and

a jiffy. They could see the people waving and cheering as they came about a few feet a

nd feet in an effort to get above the troubled air, but even at that altitude there was no improvement. Occasionally he took a second to glance at his passenger, but Mr. Fenton was facing it bravely, although his

your cover o

I'm snug as a bug in a rug. Want

d them with the records on his own control


ed up?" Bo

now. So long. Mee

ck-pit, switched on extra lights, and the plane raced forward, guided entirely by compass, and the sen

ith a bang and the young fellow fought with

e that it was pitch dark, and he had to look at his wa

ked to Mr. Fenton, who

re pretty tempestuous at times and this l

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