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The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte


Word Count: 2772    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

s on their toilet. From the dining room came the voice of the man called Burnam, who seemed to

I think Corso knows

agreed, but that ha

wn, and if the bounders show a dispositi

n't want to tell h

ong." They raced down stairs quietly and into the dining room. Mrs. Fenton had finis

Jim remarked, and B

admitted. "Know an

modestly. Burnam sized them up as a pa

hborhood around h

r," Jim

rangers," Bu

nobody wants them

ity. What do you

ny further up. Summer people, mo

es all t

et 'em bring outsiders," the boy explai

have any sou

Jim a

round here for the fishing. He lik

he been comi

ll was the first time

declared positively. "What sort

rk skin and eyes, rather goo

se ginks," he s

e them," Bo

pping?" Burnam

neighborhood for a week, then went on into Canada. The s

emed disappointed and the littl

n't stay in so small

e not. Well,

so's foot prints and a few minutes later saw the man and the boy crouched in the garden where they were completely hi


disgusted with the place I don't think they'll hang around, but you better keep

ly. "We shall not forget, Sir." His eyes turned t

us comes and tells you they are gone." Jim strode quickly back toward the

nto the spare tires, caught the strap and threw his legs over, ducking his head so that if the men should either of them glance through the window, he would not be seem. The car raced off carrying the stow-a-wa

pect to pick up the trail in Canad

from being washed away. They were bringing the biggest rocks they could haul and were distributing them in piles from one end to the other. Young Austin hoped anxiously that none of the workmen would call Burnam's attention to the extra passenger he was carrying, but they passed over quickly, and if anyone noticed the boy, nothing was done about it. They probably thought him a hiker tired of walking and unable to get a lift on his way. The car spe

way to the water's edge, and far across the thrashing lake Jim saw a tiny boat, with an outb

it?" Jim

hey left the shore. They have a load of stuff aboard

f it's safe!" Ji

n eye on the place, Jim. I think that pair is all right, and gosh, I'd hate like fury to have them carried away in this. Just look at it." Ji

fter them in Her Highness. I say, did you happen to notice the

answered proudly, and h

no good and the Mounties will keep them under observation." He hurried into the house, called l

like us to let them roam around here fo

s the

od. Oh, by the way, I say, what time did you

onal questions,

afternoon and told the story. You knights had

ught to have a lemon. Wel

was cut off, and Jim joined hi

bought, died this morning, and now the oth

matter with them when they arrived, or if


is feet and started to walk toward the garden. "For a quiet little

n a low wall, and the land above was terraced as if by someone skilled in the art. The whole section which the Fenton's had called the bog had been plowed, smoothed on a slight incline toward the lake, which left th

. Perhaps he can plant it with something that he can harvest this season. Must be odd to be in a place w

he people who live near cut ice, and they can cross to New York, or any

," Jim said regretfully. "The

I kno

ay back to the house. They were very thoughtful as the

key's stolen,

man answered. Just then the tele

all night," she said quietly. "Thei

ve cattle into the meadow. It was late at night when they were repairing a place in the fence to be sure that the nervous stock did not break through and get away. When the job was finished, they made their way back to the house, and all along the

people within earshot, hardly a sound could be heard. Then a child, whose sleeping quarters was under the big maple, cried in fright.

ittle fellow. You c

house, Bob," the woman answered. "S

He picked the boy up in his arms, w

, "if you can find a place for the chi

ed her arms out to Jim. Together the two went to the house. The living-room door

in your room, boys," A

our cots?

she an

on them, Aunt Belle. Y

Bob, but where

ne of the

y dear, they

s to be tucked in comfortably, and in a moment they were both asleep. It seemed to the boys as if the very air was charged with impending danger as they went down stairs again. Some of the Vermont men and

trains can get throu

n into the lake and were c

g frighte

ay. The border men asked for all the m

t we have," another proposed. "Let's talk it over with F

his makes me think of

m getting brain-storm," Jim an

owns, North Hero and South Hero are given those names because of the brothers,

her say so. They

but here they are also quiet and sure of each other. No wonder they are considered a fine lot. A couple of hundred years ago just a handful of them bucked against the hardships and won out. Now, Un

can find a couple of blankets a

and soon they were ready to turn in. Before they did, they

t a light over th

t and I'm glad of that." They watched the tiny streak of red that burned cheerily i

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