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The Black Star Passes

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2786    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ighty planes, that they would sweep out across space, to Earth-to Mars-to other worlds, a cosmic menace? Would the mighty machine

e ship itself! But these ships would require long hours, days, even weeks to build, and in that time the Kaxorian fleet would be

functioning generator, but it only reminded him of the vastly greater energies he had seen controlled that night. The thudding relays in the p

Then at last he began to think more calmly. He concentrated on the greatest forces known to man-and there were only two that even occurred to hi

n, mathematics that he now knew would give results. There remained onl

e after page of the intricate calculus that had ended finally in the harn

ers, the only one like it known to exist in the System, for the multiple calculus was an invention of Arcot's. At last he found the express

some math for me. I've done it-and I want to see if you get the same result independently!" Morey was a

the long series of calculations-and arrived at the same results. S

at astonished him-it was

u think we c

on in Arcot's eyes, a ti

bly Earth is, too. Wade-come here a minute, will you? Let Fuller take

their calculations-and

, it means that we can project that field to a considerable distance even in air. It'll be a beam of power that will cause all molecules in its path to move at right angles to it, and in the direct

suddenly moved in the same direction. Nothing in all the Universe could hold together against it! It's a disintegration ray of a sort-a ray that will tear, or crush, for we can either make one half move

n the atmosphere all the molecules of the air will be affected, and it will cause a terrific blast

e, and we can let the sleep accumulate till we have more time! Look-we're in Sonor alread

e filtering the early rays of the intense sun. As the sun rose above the horizon, though invisible for clouds, it still was traceable by the wondrous shell pink that began to suffuse the ten mile layer of vapor. The tiny droplets were, however, breaking the clear ligh

ets," Fuller commented. The men were watching it, despite their need for

ect they wanted, they must have two separate fields of the director ray, and a third field of a slightly different nature, which would cause the d

the job alone when the streets about them began to fill. They noticed that a large crowd was assembling, and shortly after th

e the principals in some kind of a celebration that we know nothing ab

rite had been doubled, and was maintainin

icials of Lanor come down the walk from the gov

ey say afterward, Wade. They've evidently gone to considerable trouble to get up this m

side the ship. The Lanorian dignitary left his guard, walked up to

mendous service you have done us. Across the awful void of empty space you have journeyed forty million miles to visit

own. I have had a small token made for you, and your friends. It is a little plaque, a disc of morlus, and on it there is a small map of the Solar System. On the reverse side there is a globe of Venus, with one of Earth beside it, as well as our men could copy the small globe you have given us. The n

for the Te

age, I wish to thank you for your great help when we most needed it. You, perhaps, have saved more th

epairs. These will be completed within two days, and then, when they can leave a base guard of two ships, they will attack once more. Furthermore, they will attack with a new weapon. They have destroyed the usefulness of our weapon, invisibility, and in turn, now have it to use against us! We must seek out some new weapon. I hope we ar

norians were probably disappointed, but th

y returned to the ship. "He said all there was to say, but he didn'

ly and to the point gen

start work at once, but they had reason to work cheerfully now. Even through air they had found their ray would be a

re apparatus! They had more than enough to make all the electrical machinery. The tubes, the coils, the condensers, all were there. The generator would easily supply the power, for t

spherical angle of 180 degrees, and was necessarily controlled electrically from the inside. The details of the projector were worked ou

they continued work. The Venerian workmen had promised to have the apparatus

the projector directors. Except for the projector they were ready, and Morey, Wade and Fuller turned in to get what sleep they coul

carrying a large metal cylinder in a cradle. These were attached to the landing gear of the Solar

out, eh? What is it?" asked

l get quite a surprise when you see those bombs in action! They're arranged to be released by turning c

rcot paused and scowled with annoyance. "Hang it all-when they drill into the outer wall, we'll lose the vacuum between the two walls, and all that hot air will come in. This place w

done. Then tonight we'll attack the Kaxorian construction camp. I've just learned

estroyed, the heat came in through all sides. It was more than the little molecular coolers could handle, and the temperature soon rose to about a hundred and fifteen. It was not as bad as the Vener

. All that time Arcot had spent with Tonlos determining the position of the Kaxorian construction cam

iles to the southwest. The Solarite was to start an hour after dark. Travelli

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