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The Book Lovers' Anthology

Chapter 8 Lamb. Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading.

Word Count: 3883    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


t of late call

, both matter,

w: it walked t

intellects; now

reader, bless us

is this! an

lse, while one mi

is it harder, S

r Macdonnel

es to our like m

made Quintilia

urs, O soul of

ning worse tha

st Cambridge, and



ue of Books; the very titles of which run the rounds of the whole world, visible and invisible; geographies-biographies- histories-loves-hates-joys-sorrows-cookeries-sciences-fashion-and eternity! We speak on this subject from the most literal experience; for often and often have w

tood reading for hours at the stall, lost in a brown study and worldly forgetfulness, and should probably have read on to the end of the last chapter, had not the ve


square old yel

d catch again,

vellum covers,

an's life when

blooded, ticked t

urselves! I f

r it, eightpen


my shoulder,

erce 'mid many a

in Florence, cra

aze, noontide

marble,-ay, th

tal where si

ck Bands with t


San Lorenzo

ecisely on th

r lounging knav

enders to displ

d ends of ravag

worn gilt, mirro

ds once knobs at

cient dames chos

awings, studies

one, jet, bre

rough, sundry

(broken, Provide

pestry, proud

lues were indee

as a mat to

s constitute

hill scagliola

-etched prints,

nch a-top from

re with works of

e imaginat

enic background

w, nor does he

Oh, with a Lion

ove, as promise

y contents th

ook from. Five

right of it a


e of the Flower

race for the

h, Miracles of

se, his Miracles,

ance at the lette

ried I: a lira

his I toss an

ze, part print

e but, really,

an's life when

blooded, ticked t

ck! The thing

touch a

. The Ring


f it is reasonably or unreasonably cheap. I adopt a certain number of books every year, out of a love f

xicon finely bound in c

een a foolish sacrifice of coin to sentiment. I love that book for its looks and behaviour. None of your 'half-calf' economies in that volume, sir! And see how it lies open anywhere! There isn't a book in my library that has such a generous way of laying its treasures before you. From Alpha to Omega, calm, assured rest at any page that your choice or accident may light on. No l


I must sell

books; althou

es over-writt

as thick and

on a tawn



n the schola

ement on the p

n all twelve th

ael. Ay, but b

her. And this

ar contracted

crumpled, li

seem too plain;

orward, then y

somewhat giddy!

h, I stained t

in't my Flor

d all: my fat

n of blue blo

n his voice too

ir flowers in

ne, and only

t, Aurora.'

e, that's sweete

ove not! 'tis

such beggared

my Pro

das, Wolff, sh

such a royal


ove, 'The hou

cream, as rich

asts, the broad

their spondaic p

lucent margin

bastards. Wol

liad fell ou

tous concourse

much, too, fo

wning. Au


lomon Maimon; which, as he could easily slip it into his pocket, he took from its place, and entered the shop to pay for, expecting to see behind the counter a grimy personage showing that nonchalance about sales which seems to belong universally to the second-hand book-business. In most other trades you find generous men who are anxious to sell you their wares for your own welfare; but even a Jew will not urge Simson's E


gain thy end,

good, or bad,

: I give thee l

sake it thus

hy stall, til

s it made suit

itle-leaf on

icks, advanced

r some clerk-l

l the hard names: w

se vile arts i

klersbury, the



astes my littl

ard. What? in tho

like a rider

ermer? or li

term set out,

em me. Few. Ye

ve me. Now tho

English Athen

lofty courtl

ection? If I

ul's. Alas, po

ve; go, spread t

cannot help or



tioner or what

ord to Time'

n thee, but re

deign my Bo

be not with yo

ay-houses 'mong

ts by the ears i

ull mechani

me not brought i

s, of country,

h 'mongst pins

to lie, thou'lt

ather for t

es, next Cleans

e Mastive, or



oceedings of the rest, that they have wished themselves of some other calling. The printers' mystery is ingenious, painful, and profitable: the book-binders' necessary; the clasp-makers' useful. And indeed, the retailer of books, commonly called a bookseller, is a trade, which, being well governed and limited within certain bounds, might become somewhat serviceable to the rest. But as it is now, for the most part abused, the bookseller hath not only made the printer, the binder, and the clasp-maker


vain, ill-j

cast a wi

ations won

ow called P

find your


he prudent

ll-bound and

me in the

e, Hookham,

pass that dan

r book can


blamed, and

all who r

you be rea

you for fo

me, and hom

w a conjure

future fort

our novel

young and

k dirty cor

amps, with co

hall be the b


o suffer pub

e trunk, or w

ewis. T


er, who hear

turn a pag

t a genius h

dressed with

, if you'd e


the histo

better pay

re learned in

against th

ng with a sne

h the Elephant

our money,

on man to

u ne'er can


ked will cou

harper spu

ever spare

mecocks to

y. Fa


s than upholsterers, who sell sets or bodies of arts and sciences for furniture; and the purchasers, for I am very sure they are not readers, buy only in that view. I never thought

even if you never open them or re


nard L

e ut alia aliis, quaedam fortass

lful cook, to pl

mixture compr

portion and

sh with differe

fowls delic

the taste, the

, must a Mi

of all kind

o, which all t

reader with h

r Miscellanies

rival Jacob'

uses in the p

must strike the

must here and

ense be sung

n moving nu

pages with m

orous songs too

reader with a

nterfere, who

madness of

use that neve

scandal, to be

patience with

piece, but ver

hed epigram its

follies in a

uld throughout t

odlike Muse b

ful numbers s

oughts adorn th

l Corinna's

r in melting n

cents pitying

istening ear wi

assic in the

ribute to thy

subjects let t

fancy with a g

he source o

l fresh revolvin

ove, the mind

e the expiring

ham will cond

iece to distant

eld strikes the t

s rejoice, and

they cry, the

e, and tries hi

lost Anacreo

illustrious po

revels of the

se, he takes a

nd the wonderin

have thy volum

others be r

ch the listening

pt o'er fair

e with softenin

rains of const

cy choose some

d Hans Carvel'

miring reade

umour, and with

ville lives; w

d he strikes the

turns his noble

nse adorns h

sweet lays at

rds the place w

e on every su

ints the god o

etic Ovid s

liad shines i

shall raise his

easy numbers

in his learn

hysic, as

monious Muse wi

, the murmuring s

, pleased to h

shade each warbli

mbers charm ou

ement far out-s

the youth the

ssful bards coll

profit shall r


o its sleeker g

d Elzevir is

's brown sheets

mirers careful

orphew, or th

ive thy praise

eld to Lintot



eus praise,

ount them

in to the

esteem ol

Aldous wou

art, admire

ter's beyo

person, lar

eir names in

t stands i

he with e

stare you

ts Heathen Gr

't construe, s

comes from Li

nson might

Aldous, or

lotted, or

books this

nd not so m

cost 'em


ave sixpence

r heirs, or t

t is at va

odigious de

are useful

r or a w

or general


R. M

son, Lintott


e bard up P


th hope and

ged MS. au

st all-and


able's bai

ew Quarter

is thy new


rucest books

hou deemest

f Cookery'


ls, Essays,

to thy mill

ou hast the


forbid I sh

e Board of

is narrow p


on, Lor


d your book, i

cious all-emb

row of tradi

story-much that

of taste your

f modern anec

story quaint

arious as the

ught legends yo

hat the half-

ars to smile a

urse the can

hes, ghosts, fiend

mmeries we well

conscious o

opperies in th

Phoebus, Fathe

tow on you bot

ophies of his Ch

Zodiac through,

s your book-trus

ly errs, he

rt, wit, reading

is not a work

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