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The Boy Spies of Philadelphia

Chapter 5 THE PATROL.

Word Count: 3720    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

cob and Enoch, ranging themselves on e

ven up all hope from the moment he was locked in a cell, and his escape, having bee

hat direction, not a word was spoken, and then Jacob, unloosening the bag of p

toward Valley Forge without thinking of fatigue, for should you

I was allowed to

r be mentioned, arranged everything. We

who is so powerful?" S

at he has done this night would seem like treason to those who did not belie

not to s

sources that a prisoner has escaped, and she would be the first to insist that you hurry away

are you

nlist at the first opportunity. Remember that you will not be safe until you are with our friends, and that it is likely you can continue the flight uninterruptedly during

by the hands for a single instant, and

st not be prolonged, and the two hurried away, leaving

om him," Enoch said five minutes later

tayed he would have lingered, and time is too precious

possible we have really

d there is no question about his freedom, and, with so many hours

escape is discov

e may count on the whole affair remaining a secret until some time after sunrise to-morrow. O

visions most likely caused her to believe we were going on a journey

e walking at

eared little likelihood of their meeting

the point of giving words to his happiness because of the successful issue of their sc

. "Now unless we can keep out of si

darting into the nearest doorway. "Flight would arouse suspicion, and most likely we have been heard

pparent as the officer commanding the patrol stepped q

hat are you doing a

ck the baker was well known to the enemy, "and am visiting my friend, Enoch Ball, who lives on

Chris Ludwick's son were friends of the spy who

father?" the offi


d the spy a


t we have a full explanation as to wh

e are prisoners?" E

ation, you may as well move on at once. Don't attempt to

fetters which had been removed from Seth's legs and arms, and now he deplor

of a mystery; instead of which they had simply kept evidences which might

tly this fact came into his mind he made a second and yet g

ail to attract attention, they struck with an ominous clang upon a rock in

oys who have had an excursion into the country may n

avy fetters, and the officer appeared perplexed when

id you g

made n

the sharp command.

ossession, and now the boys were no longer ordered to "fall in," but

r friend, and by so doing had placed themselves in

, and as he opened the door in response to the summons of the patrol an expression of surprise, almost dismay, passed ov

take care that no one has access to them until

corridor, passed the cell from which Seth had so lat

m, and they were left in the dark

felt his way around what seemed little more than a cage. "But we ought to get along f

he fetters that we helped Seth awa

I don't think even General Howe will go so far as to declare

rs should

ones Seth wore? Look here, Enoch, the situation is this: We must hold our tongues, absolutely refusing to answer

eople for helpi

h you will lose courage, and unless I'm mistaken we shall need plenty of it before we are through with thi

is friend's gloomy forebodings, both the b

ave been well-nigh impossible while they were in such a condition of mental depression, and even thou

ble to talk of anything else, consequently little or no conversation was indulged in, and when the morning

to the door, Jacob learned that a body of troops had left the city the evening previous. For what purpose he cou

was being executed, and he fancied they must be benefited thereby, since

en so important, was nothing more than the advance of fourteen hundred soldiers to

adjoining theirs was opened. Then came an exclamation of surprise, hu

well on his way to Valley Forge by this time,"

h him the scheme would h

risoners ordered out in charge of a squad of soldie

give any information, no

they were marched out of the prison between t

t, none dared betray the true state of their feelings lest they be accused of treason, and the two had a very good ide

ts on the sidewalk, and then taken inside, where were sever

ven, and then came the question wh

street last night at

d we must make, it will not be believed," Jacob replied stoutl

pertinent, you young rebel. Anything of t

u British have been in possession of the cit

u have been carrying in

ave done nothi

eturning from the American lines


left the city on the


aid him i

thing we coul

w that he h


must have

you the slip. We were put into the same prison he occupied, and could

e truth save by harsh measures," one of the officers said petulantly to him who was conducting the

s fail; but I do not care to go into the busin

y are active enemies against the king, and should

friendly with him-have acknowledged you were aware in advance of his visit to the rebel camp. You were found loitering on the street after midnight, and when apprehended had about your

eant it for our good; but we have nothing to confess. Of course, you c

to hold your tongues as long as

ending the afternoon in the grove back of the Carpenter house, and were walking peaceably toward L

low that the prisoners could not distinguish the words, and

general before resorting to harsh measures; you shall have time to consider the matter thoroughly, and when questioned again

ncy; both expected a severe flogging, and faile

sergeant in command of the squad sai

understand why Colonel Monckton let you off so easily this time, for he is not given to being tender with the whip; but this I ca

soner are we responsible for his safe-keeping? If he escapes, is it certain we are

ssion are sufficient proof that

ble to get him away from your men, and out of jail, do you think

do so, how came

hy not demand to know who paid for our

like to have you escape the whip, for I'm not friendly disposed to such things, especially when

he prison; "but there is nothing for us to tell. We can explain about the fetters; but shall insist t

he matter of that. It's none of my broth, though, and I ho

kely to happen

week from then; but it's bound to come some day if

ber of the British army was ended, and th

they entered the gloomy place twice before, and he conducted them to the cell in a stolid mann

d while he was standing at the door gazing around as if to satisf

we know says that you are to keep up

if the jailer feared one of the prisoners might reply

would not be known that we had refused to speak," Jacob whispered, and there wa

ld help us without bringing

nd among the Britishers, and that is more than Seth could have said whe

uld ever be hungry again,

y make matters worse, without bettering them any. I reckon on


y than to sit here fancying each moment we feel the lash of

opened; but n

l a jar of water and two loaves of bread

hearted; "but it is a good deal more than many friends of the cause in this very city will have set before them

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