The Broken Sword
an introduced himself as Mr. Summers (half apologetically), a reconstructed rebel. There was a moment's pause in which, by the shimmer of the lighted lamps, Colonel Seymour saw that the visitor
the visitor had arrived, in connection with the unpleasant incidents of a quite eventful day, there was nothing reassuring in the visit: the times were critical, to say the
circumstance I am indebted
. "But will you permit me first to ask after your
has been an invalid for many weeks, and I fear there
ps her condition is not so bad as you
, and then observed, deliberately,
ing the Potomac on our mad flight from Gettysb
at army without the loss of a gun and without the capture of a man, as to characterize it as a mad flight? Were you a Co
e army halted at the ford I saw an officer, a Colonel, who was badly wounded and who with great difficulty sat his horse on that occasi
, if you please, and not upon Lee's army, that whipped the enemy at Gettysburg; yes, sir, whipped them and fell back, sir, b
other; but, my dear sir, the war is over-why make imaginary assaults upon an imaginary enemy
it now, sir, know it now, sir,"
, do you recall those events with any
estion that was doubtful in interpretation, and brewing a concoction as nauseous as the black vomit of the red harlot herself, and eructating it upon us-the recollection is
, my dear sir, do you think it possible that men like yourself who gallantly fought for a cause they sincerely believed to b
, I imagine," re
sition that has in contemplation t
of sovereignty that I should consider myself a traitor to the South and her peop
nd a great man once said 'It is the last refuge of a scoundrel.' You of course will not yield to such an interpretation, nor would I ask you to do so, but, sir, we must let the dead p
tchword to animate your corrupt followers to a savage and unscrupulous warfare, sparing neither sex nor age, practicing every species of fraud and hypocrisy, confounding right and wrong, and robbing the innocent and virtuous of their only treasure, their manhood and womanhood. What is your proposition, sir," he exclaimed vehementl
il-will you allow me to proceed, sir? We deplore the fact, sir, that our most virtuous men are still braving the dangers they might, w
ves, so we will not be utterly consumed, but only roas
will honor you with its blandishments. Take the tide at its flood, and co-operate patriotically with those who are enforcing manhood suffrage wit
d negroish scent, and the hook is too sharp-too sharp sir. Do you
e stranger replied,
he indignant man, "th
e, of which I am a member, feeling their great need of your invaluable services have commissioned me to make known t
radical platform,"
her, if however you will not accept, that you will submit your
mittee will act upon sugge
they will," ans
r, to put the negroes to work upon the farms; and the carpet-baggers out of the
r, my dear sir, that you are sowing the wind, and by and by strangers will reap the
master, "Mars Jon, what nice farderly ole man was dat ole gemmen? he peared lak he wus mity sorrowful. Iseed him
nquired of Clarissa what the shouting an
ntry-de niggers turned loose lak blaten sheepses er shullikin und a pilfern erbout ebery which a way. Ole fokses used to say dat when de tip eend ob de moon wus rite red lak, dat yer mout look out fur wars und yurthshaks too, und I seed dat ur site las nite 'twixt midnite und day und it fotched what de ole fokses sed rite back to my member'nce. I'd hate powerful to see any udder bellion in dis lan, dat I would. Not ef day is ergwine to shoot steerkyarts und wheel-barrers clean froo our federick sojers, lak dey dun de last time. Grate king, Mars Jon, what so
ary endeavor; with her, ever so many bright colors could be painted upon the angry horizon; with her, the sunset heavens would diffuse a glamour, all radiant and glorious, as if the angels were kissing its banners into crimson and with deft fingers were garnishing the leaky clouds with prismatic hues; with her, the little birds upon sportive pinions would syllable their songs into the dialect of love. But she was passing awa
o environ old Ingleside, when the blood in its channels is to pause in its circulation, when a negro, vile and savage lacerates the dear, dear face of her beautiful daughter, and her precious blood follows the thorns. Passing away before the proud head of her noble husband is bowed in
. Oh, what a royal welcome, what a banqueting upon love there will be by and by, when the terrors of the horrid reco
had gathered into the room and the man of God read from the blessed Book, "I am the resurrection and the life." The solemn discourse was almost concluded when ruffianly booted feet were heard in th
truce of God." But there was no order of adjournment in the message which they brought. "Forthwith" was the unequivocal command and "forthwith" was now. They had come to
an fell out of line and against a black guard who
er place, er I'll stick m
four negroes, and in the presence of whom
inst him. He had been informed by no one except in a general way. Perhaps
pray that you may not deal harshly with this old man, who is now in the sere and yellow leaf. You say that you will require him to turn his back upon the traditions of the past-upon the ancient landmarks; t
sir," asked the chairman frigidly, a
ul and lovely in this land of our fathers is sinking, rotting, dying beneath the blight and mildew of your accursed lust of power. Why should I survive? My life, sir, is behind me. You ask me to be your slave. Sir, your bondage is inexorable-it is the life of an outlaw, a traitor, a
n sank back exhau
carify the old wounds of the rebels until they bleed afresh. Sixty
marked with three bl
arter de bellion fell, und he flopped ober ter de publikins'--