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The Camp Fire Girls at School


Word Count: 5353    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and Nyoda might have been seen in close consult

's my treat,"

r desk on Thursday and made an announcement. Sahwah forgot that she was in a class room and started to raise a joyful whoop, but Nyoda stifled it in tim

t the falls, where they would land and cook their dinner over an open fire. They would tow the Keewaydin, Sahwah's birchbark canoe, behind the launch, and some time during the day would manage to let every one go

ile walk to school was too much for her, and had her taken and called for in the machine, much to Hinpoha's disgust, for that walk was her chief joy these days. After a week of the tonic her soul rebelled against the nauseous dose, and when the first bottle was empty and Aunt Phoebe sent her to get it refilled, she "refilled" it herself with a mixture of licorice candy and water, which produced a black syrup similar in appearance to the original medic

would keep her in spending money throughout the school year. So with a light and merry heart she set out for Gladys's house on Saturday morning, where the girls were all to meet for the outing. It w

s on the horizon, and nature was supreme everywhere, but here they were fairly engulfed by the works of man. The tiny craft nosed her way among giant steamers, six-hundred-foot freighters, coal barges, lighters, fire boats, tugs, scows, and all the other kinds of vessels that crowd the river-harbor of a great lake port. Viewed from below, the steel structure of the viaduct over the river stretched out like the monstrous skeleton of some prehistoric

r back against her paddle. Many times they had to bury their noses in their handkerchiefs to shut out the smells that assailed them on every side. On they chugged, past the lumber yards with their acres of stacked boards, some of which had

rfectly fascinated by the rolling mills, with their rows of black stacks standing out against the sky like organ pipes, and by

n and out of the cosmos blossoms in the garden. Interesting as the bees were, however, they could not keep her thoughts from turning to the Winnebagos afloat on the river, and it was a very dolefu

she has asked to see you." Hinpoha was very glad to see M

t out enough. By the way," she said to Aunt Phoebe, "may I borrow this girl for to-day? I have consider

about in a machine with an older woman was a very

on and started off with Mrs. Evans. "We will not be back for lunch, and possibly not for supper," sa

she started the car and sent it crackli

self like a snake, and I have already counted seven coils within the city limits. I didn't believe it when the captain of a freighter told me that ther

and went ashore to look for a place to build a fire. They were in a deep gorge, its steep sides thickly covered with flaming maples and oaks, and brilliant sumachs, stretching on either side as

bove her it stopped and two people got out, a woman and a girl. The sunlight fell on a mass of red curls on the girl's head. "Hinpoha!" exclaimed Nyoda in amazement. From above came f

lled Gladys, runn

hard on the trail of her daughter and the other Winnebagos until she came suddenly upon them after they ha

her eyes, but she answered, "I'm afra

you couldn't?

sked her if I might go along with you i

me of the girls; "your aunt'l

e corners of Nyoda's eyes as she heard Hinpoha so resolutely bidding Satan get behind her. Mrs. Evan

e on to a house in the road and telephone

d like to spend the day with them, but of course she could not do so unless Hinpoha would be allowed to stay with her, as she had charge of her for the day. What was Aunt Phoebe to do? She was not equal to telling the admired Mrs. Evans to forego her pleasure because o

Sahwah, and the Winnebagos g

ort distance from the others, following a tiny footpath. Suddenly they came upon a huge rock formation, that looked like an immense fireplace, about forty feet wide and twenty or more feet high. Un

've been here before. Just why it should be called the Old Maid's Kitchen is more than I c

fire inside of

places," said Gladys, "and that is running water," and she held her cup under a

fire roasting "wieners" and bacon. The Kitchen had a floor of smooth slabs of rock, and the arch of the fi

had ever cooked wieners and bacon over an open fire on green sticks, and she was perfectly delighted with the experience. "If my husband could only see me now," she said, laughing like a girl as she

l Cocoa," answ

s that?" ask

a New York firm for the Camp Fi

f this at our house?" asked

ther kind than Van Horn's," replied Gladys, "so I

Horn's," said her mother. "

. "We are trying to dispose of a hun

ans," said Mrs. Evans.

vic Club next Wedne

as whirling around her head. "It's a bat!" cried Sahwah, and they all laughed heartily at Migwan's fright. The bat wheeled around, blind in the daylight, and went bumping against the girls, causing them

a bat was it?"

on bat," said Sahwah,

w at her for

yoda," said Gladys, "or Sahwah

shipping industry. Then we'll go around the circle, naming them in alphabetical order. Each girl may have ten seconds in which to think when her turn comes, and

the longest have the first ride

had the first chance.

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said M

a "J." "One, two, three, fo

ed Nyoda on th

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vans, "I meant to order some m

he girls laughed at the witty applicati

said Mr


," sai

egan to count. "Quadrupeds


id Medmangi. The girls

answer in, and t

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" said

igwan, with a r

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own on "V." "Varn

for Medmangi. "

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, they're

their Waterloo on "Y

kwisi to the dummy cor


at?" they

, "but I saw it on one of th

waters had spread out into a wide pond. "Oh, what a joy to dip a paddle again!" sighed Sahwah blissfully, sending the Keewaydin flying through the water with long, vigorous strokes. "I'd love

rail daughter, who had despised all strenuous sports and hated water above all things, who was swinging her paddle so lustily and steering the Keewaydin so skilfully? What was this strange Something that the Camp Fire had instilled into her?

ystic haze of

antom gho

moose sees the

on the si

d red sun wh

elow th

k swoops, the

he world

he realize the significance of the quicker progress which the Keewaydin was making. When she did realize that she was getting dangerously near the edge of the dam, and attempted to turn back, she discovered to her horror that it was impossible to turn back. The Keewaydin was being swept helplessly and irresistibly onward. Recent rains had swollen the stream and the water was pouring over the dam. Sah

ank right at the brink of the falls stood a great willow tree, its long branches drooping far out over the water. It was one chance in a million and Sahwah saw it. As she passed under the tree she reached up and caught hold of a branch, seized it firmly and jumped clear of the canoe, which went over the falls almost under her feet. Then, swing

ha, when they had surrounded her with exclamatio

out of the current isn't to be trusted with a canoe, no matter what a fine paddler she is. I certainly thought better of you than that, Sahwah. I never used

y to forget the horror of the moment when she had heard the water roaring over the dam and thought her time had come. Sahwah liked to be thought clever as well as daring, an

do you know that we are not many miles from one of the model dairy farms of the world? I

e're nearly there," said Mrs. Evans; "here is the beginning to the cement fence that runs all the way around the four-thousand-acre farm." Mrs. Evans knew some of the people in charge of t

in each stall!" gasped Migwan,

inpoha, on her knees before one of the st

ther," observed Nyoda, comparing i

's its nurse," said the man

s were kept to feed the aristocratic babies. The lovely little creatures were as tame as kittens and allowed the girls to fondle them to their hearts' content. Sometimes a pair of polished hor

with amiable curiosity, and then suddenly licked her face. Mrs. Evans watched Gladys in surprise. Instead of quivering all over with disgust as she would have a year ago she simply laughed and patted the cow's nose. "What is going to happen?" said Mrs. Evans to herself, "Gladys isn't afraid of cows any more!" But the most interesting part came when

st as they were going through, and came smashing down in the path at their feet. Nakwisi ran to pick it up and the guide said she might have it, adding that such a bunch, unbruised, sold for twenty-five cents in the city market. "Oh, how delicious!" cried Nakwisi,' tasting the grapes and dividing them among the girls. Mrs.

, as they passed through Akron. "Does anybody know what two historical things are near here

to do with it

h one of them,"

n Brown, owner of the

is a monument her

Evans drove them over to the monument and they all sto

he other thing

. "Doesn't the old Portage Tra

t," said

lt, that extended from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. "The part that runs through Akro

exclaimed Migwan in disappointment, wh

ly shaded the original path." In the minds of the girls the handsome residences faded from sight, and in place of the wide stre

k to the river. Every one was anxious to make it as pleasant as possible for Hinpoha, and the j

d Sahwah, m

dly tell me what Caesa

B.C." s

to recollect

scribbling a few words on a leaf fro

h, spelling out the words

im rufus, albu

te. "Quis, who; crudis,


said Sahwah, "wh

e, expiravi, expiratus. It means '

?" Migwan nodded, and Sahwah went back to the beginning a

last word is blew, no

It's 'Who raw for the red, white and ble

Sahwah, laughin

nior and took French, and having a sudden inspiration, she wrote, "Pas de lieu Rhone

to make anything out of

an, "just read it out loud," Nyoda com

your own can

treetops and they had a two-hour ride ahead of them. Mrs. Evans took Hinpoha back in the machine and delivered her to her aunt safe and sound at eight o'

"I used to be frightened to death of her, because she always looked so straight-

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