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The Camp in the Snow


Word Count: 1507    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d Hamp could scarcely realize what had happened. The hol

around and around, as though an under-current existed. Doubtless there was one, and it had sucked Jerry far down.

ed a groan

rry!" he c

him back. "You'll go in, too. It's all up w

was crying, too. Loud sobs burst from his bosom. Just then the s

demanded. "Which one? T

eager, excited tones. But the boys were

Jerry," s

ry w

Jerry B


and manner showe

he water is deep, and he must have been carried far under th

e too indignant to reply. At such a moment they

Poor Jerry! What shall w

first like a dream. They heard a crackling sound, and then a plaintive c

ty feet out on the ice. He rushed toward it with a

of broken ice fitted close to his armpits, and his o

weak and quavering voice. "I'

ed Hamp. "We'll save y

yourself," warned Jerr

n, took hold of Brick, and thus a triply-strong line was formed. Hamp w

nse. Twice Jerry was almost out of water, and twice

ood the strain, and, at last, a mighty effort pulled Jerr


said. "It was an awful strain. But I would have

to the campfire at once

s with cold. His face and hands were blue, and he sh

followed, and he was close behind the others when they reached the fire. The boy

h mustache. His face was good-humored and rather prepossessing. He wore gr

clothes for th

has an extra su

lips were still blue, and he shivered as though he had a chill. The boys wrapped him in blankets, and made him

and wrenched a metal cup from the end. Into the

ing the cup to Jerry, who draine

s it?"

stuff, at that. It'

the stuff would have tasted l

d in a short time the shivering ceased,

feel now?"

der these blankets. I'll bet you fellows

. "We never expected to see you again.

ed my eyes and began to swim. I came up with a bump, and then I knew I was clear under the ice. I saw a gray streak away off in front of me. I knew it must be t

mp. "Don't worry about that. You can be mighty

brave lad been drowned, I should have put the blame upon myself. It wa

d killed the brute

ope you will overlook my carelessness. My name is Silas Raikes, and I hail from Portland, Maine. I am camping a mile or tw

oys n

ther campers near by, and that they were in peril. So I left Joe to guard camp, and came to your assistance. But, as it so happened, the ta

ch obliged to you for your good intentions, all the same. If you

ing events of the night. Mr. Raikes took a keen inter

ds more intimately," he said. "Let me s

"My name is Foster, and over there is Jerry Brenton. We are both f

cted Brick, with a r

rehead. "Where have I heard that name? Ah, yes. Surely you are no relativ

ll," replied Brick

are his son? Well, I am glad to make your ac

ed Brick, "but so far the wolves and the ca

in heartily. He took a cigar from Ins po

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