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The Carter Girls' Week-End Camp

Chapter 10 MR. HIRAM G. PARKER

Word Count: 4075    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d to be a moment that she was not wanted to wait on Mrs. Carter. When she took the daintily arranged breakfast tray to the cabin she was kept to fetch and carry and do a mi

f a problem at the camp, she still must wear white. Not a speck must be on those

ecessary to live in a camp," she would assert. "I think it

e job of lady's maid to that of assistant cook, gathered up an armful of rumpled skirts and blouses and carried them off to launder. She adored her

work. "You ain't a-goin' to do no washinanirnin' in this hyar kitchen today. You know puffectly wel

but in the kitchen. It's jes' because of some of these here week-enders that they is got to be landered. You is so ign'rant

re this mornin' cause that ole po' white mounting ooman what she calls Aunt Mandy done took with cramps in the night an' Miss Gwen couldn't leave her. This is a been the busiest week of the camp an' you-you

iram G. Par

was his folks? Tell me that, who was they? You don't know an' neither do lots er folks but I knows an' he knows. That's the reason he's so partic'lar 'bout w

r better not hear you

ars. Thain't much ter know 'cause he warn't troubled with many. His grandpap had a waggin with a bell on it an' went aroun' hollerin: 'Ragsoleioncopperanbrass! Rag

sleep with some kinder wax on her competence las' night to peel off the remains of the sunburn an' she done made her promus not

y take to dressin' up it'll mean all yo' time'll be spent pressin' an' fixin' an' I want ter know who'll be a-doin' yo' wor

was law and that although Oscar might grumble until he was even blacker in the face than nature had mad

m while Susan washed and ironed the many white things that Mrs. Cart

d you wipe,"

sh," begged Dum, "I a

dish pan, "an' if you is so enjoyful of suds, mebbe you young ladies could spare me al

Dum. "We can do them in

is right for people to use so many dishes. Wouldn't it be grand to be

race to lick their plates. What on earth do you do with all the scraps?" asked

Dum, don't arsk none of the week-enders ter lick they plates. They don't leave nothin' now for my chickens. The gals even eat

camp realized how much she did. For instance: the person who cooks a meal is usually praised by the hungry ones, but the person who patiently scrapes and washes dishes is hardly thought of at all by the satiated. On that Friday morning, Helen had, with the help of Page, produced a

t pies for Saturday's picnic. Page had on one of Helen's bungalow aprons and seemed as much at home as though she had been born and bred in camp. Page always had that quality of

ies shall it be

around the mountain-not a freshly fallen one but one that must have fallen ages and ages ago as it has decided just to grow horizon

d better have mighty solid pies," laughed Page. "

from Dum.

Dum's enthusiasm, "also some lemon pies

d more and m

time they were having, all busy and all talking! Oscar sat outside picking chickens and of neces

earn to make pastry so quickly. How did you

cook who will follow a recipe. I had a few lessons at the Y. W. C

san, so I used to stay in the kitchen and play cooking. I've been

u make egg

the eggshells and bake it. It cooks in a minute

been to the post office at Greendale wit

that grand? But guess who is coming with him-old Hiram G. Parker! I

Helen, who had been much interested in what she

list saw him falling down stairs, bumping his head at every step, and aske

understood he was all k

all the latest jokes and when they give out, he starts in on the others. He makes jokes of his own, too-not like Zebedee's-Zebedee always bubbles out in a joke but Hiram G. leads up to his.

rimping her turnovers with a fork. "You start out with

she moves! she

f life along

does a boat, so there. Oh, oh! Look at the goodies. How on earth

oman who always did hers with her false teeth." After the shout that w

at friend of

with the buds. He decides which ones are to ornament society and which ones to be picked for funerals. He has already looked over Dum and me at a hop last Thanksgiving at the Jefferson; Page, too. I believe he thinks we'll do, at least he danced us around and wrote

red Dum, reading over Dee's shoulder. "I don't know whether I am going to behave or not. That Mr. Parke

girls were talking, "if it's Mr. Hiram G. Parker you is a-speakin' of. She done say he is a very high-up pusson.

up?" asked Helen. "She never told

that her mother knew he was to come: Mr. Tucker had certainly used this visit

sedately but her eyes were dancing and it was

more mature than Helen's although Helen was almost two years her senior. Where Helen loved, she loved without any thought of the loved one's having any fault. She wondered now that her mother should have known of Mr. Parker's coming without mentioning it, but as for that little lady's dressing up to see this society man, why, that was just as it should be. She had absol

auve tie and socks and a Panama hat that had but recently left the block. Zebedee could not help smiling at the fine wardrobe trunk that his companion had b

ave a reputation to keep

ase but it had to be carried up the mountain by Josephus and its owner

runk should be kept upright, otherwise even the most skillful packing cann

most no one in town. His position in the bank held him in town and he must also hold the position, since it was through it he was enabled to belong to all the clubs and to have pressed suits for all occasions. He had no idea what the favor was but he liked to keep in with these newspaper chaps since it was through the newspapers, when all was told,

at favor was. He led up to it adroitly so that when he finally rea

, I hear," he started out with, hand

having taken off his coat and produced a pocket hanger to keep that garment in all the glory of a

heard today that young Lane is off. He is Robert Carter's assistant and since Carter has been out of the running

dancing man! He will be

that Lane rendered their father, but since Mr. Parker's mind ran more on germans

ville has en

he left West Point he would be quit

be of great assistance to her eldest d

s daughters was to make her debut. I haven't s

to come out and not be a success, but her mother is d

e having a good time this year," and the expert sighed, thinking of the work ahead of him in entertaining debutantes. He was not so young as he had been and there were evenings when he rather longed to get in

s been sick, she has taken the burden of the whole family on her shoulders. All of the gir

aunch this girl. Well, I'll look her over first. No pig in a poke for me!" He took another o

r." Hi Parker smiled a knowing smile. How many times had he been approached

he fellow driv

to do such a thing. I feel it is a kind of insult t

rker g

so you would be perfectly honest in doing so. The Carters' finances are at a low ebb and this fine girl, Douglas, is doing her best to econ

ded in convincing Mr. Parker that it was an easy ma

hy don't you do it yourself, Tucker? I make it a rule not to butt

rt when a delicate operation is needed. You are

r idea of forcing Douglas out for that season. She gave it up with a sigh of resignation. Anyhow, she was glad she had made Douglas bleach her complexion before Mr. Parker was introduced to her. The girl was loo

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