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The Carter Girls' Week-End Camp


Word Count: 1789    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y tact. They set out now to make the grouchy week-enders dry up and cheer up, and in half an hour after the storm was over they had attained their object. Page o

us price, too! I certainly intend to leave tomorrow and I will stop some friends of mine who were planning to come up next week. Is

you to take a walk with me tomorrow evening. The moon will be gorg

ouldn't think of goi

n! I almost think we might take a walk now, but

much mollified week-ender danced off together. "I am afraid poor Zebed

exercised all her fascinations on some hallroom boys, while Dee went in for some old bachelors

he said, with a very winning

in his praise of Nature before Nature had shown what she really could do. "I do

and she says they have plenty of dry bed linen. You had better h

am going back to the city tomorrow and

here over Sunday and we might get up a little crowd

lears I may ch

. Wouldn't the old-fashioned waltz go well with that record Hele

es, this put him in rare good humor. He swallowed his coffee hastily, pronouncing it excellent, and in a twinkling he and De

than what it is. It seems at the time that nothing will ever be dry and stra

of rain. Some of the blankets were damp but most of them, thanks to Lewis' foresight, had been protected. The drainage on the side of a mounta

had gone straight through it. The pretty rag rugs were sopping wet and, as I have said before, all the dainty finery spread out on the bed, was blown hither and yon. Douglas looked at the havoc in dism

he open fireplace, the cabin boasting the one chimney in camp where a fire was

in here for Bobby, now that our te

ou and Bill sleep

the pavilion. Our cots are soaking

raid you won't

e border! Bill and I have been living so soft I

he wanted her to. Other girls pretended, why not she? But there was an uprightness about Douglas Carter that would not let her be a party

hink what it would be in a time like this without you to h

eeter and Frank can do what we ha

the work you do," fa

ount to much," declared Lewi

is part he could not see why Lewis didn't settle matters with his cousin before going to the border. It never entered his head that anyone could refuse a Gree

ustomed to the friendship between her elder sister and Lewis that she had not thought of a more serious rela

He told her he was going to enlist and proposed all in one breath and poor old Doug couldn't adjust he

so tender even the grouchiest of the grouchy could not get up indigestion over it. The leaven of good-humor spread by the Tuckers and Pa

in but had been persuaded by Zebedee to stay over to take a mo

the comforts of the Jefferson Hotel up in camp, but then if one wants the comforts of the Jefferson one had better go

ot to worry about the possibility of damp sheets and babbled along about the dances of the eighties, and promised to

ith a view to beating a hasty retreat to the safety-firstness of the city, found themselves cheering up, too; and warmed by

?" said Douglas, when she an

little Allison girl a lot, too. She waltzed in and

is kind of gone on

thinking somebody is gone

e treats her just like he do

at, like

e only devoutly hoped he would devise some method by which he could persuade her mother to give up t

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