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The Cryptogram


Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

town, where for some reason she had anchored during the night. It was unlikely that I should be kept waiting long, yet I was in no haste to play the unaccustomed role

lls and islands, on the rugged and historical heights of the town. Many others besides myself were on the quay, doubtless drawn hither for the same purpose-priests, soldiers, soberly-clad citizens, several coureurs-de-bois, and a r

the arrival of a ship

ptain replied. "But for the earl

ion as he glanced at me, and that he seemed disinclined to look me straight in the eyes. He ignored the events of the previous night, neit

g for the Good

ded a

arelessly; and I detected a masked note of c

ied evasively. "I am to meet a

s precisely my situation." He bent his head a little closer. "I am on du

h no reason why I should not speak freely; but it pleased me to be as mysterious as himself, so I ans

with that he bowed curtly and strode awa

er, and half-minded to take to my heels like a foolish boy. But for very shame I

rowded with figures, the breeze bellying her canvas and fluttering the flag of England at the masthead. I was fairly carried away by the novel ex

en decked out in lace and fine clothing, and a motley sprinkling of others. They passed on, some being met and embraced by waiting friends; and next came an elderly, sour-l

Miss Hathert

ped. "Wretch,

onged to hide my face, and I vowed that I would make no more rash ventures. I was a

did I hear you inquir

ach, and little curls of brown hair straying from under her dainty bonnet. By her fine clothing and her clear-cut features I knew that her station in life was of the best. I, who had given no second thought to a woman in all my life, felt a thrill of a

therton," I stammered, "

oke she made a sudden and strange sign that puzzled me

ht be a mistake somewhere. I shrank from picturing this young and beautiful girl as the wife of old Griffith Hawk

u, stupid?"

y Miss Hather


I, "and I am here to meet you in b

ped and her f

imed, "I though

us, and I looked up to recognize Captain Rudstone. He paid no heed to my presence, but

Captain R

elle," he replied,

eant. I overheard the words "Lord Selkirk" and "dispatches," and then I saw the girl draw the end of a sealed packet of papers from her bosom; but she thrust them out of sight again at a sharp command fro

escort her to the lodgings where s

attention is prior to yours,

d hotly. "Will you be so k

careful lest you provok

t, sirs," exclaimed Miss Hatherton. "You a

e precedence, mademois

swer an abrupt and unexpecte

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1 Chapter 1 THE SAVING OF GRAY MOOSE.2 Chapter 2 THE HOTEL IN BONAVENTURE STREET.3 Chapter 3 FLORA HATHERTON.4 Chapter 4 MUTUAL EXPLANATIONS.5 Chapter 5 THE ALARM IN THE NIGHT.6 Chapter 6 PREPARATIONS FOR FLIGHT.7 Chapter 7 THE SKIPPER OF THE SPEEDWELL.8 Chapter 8 CLOSE TO PORT.9 Chapter 9 AT THE MERCY OF THE SEA.10 Chapter 10 THE DAWN OF DAY.11 Chapter 11 A COPY OF "THE TIMES."12 Chapter 12 A WARNING IN WOODCRAFT.13 Chapter 13 THE AMBUSCADE.14 Chapter 14 AN INDIAN'S GRATITUDE.15 Chapter 15 FORT ROYAL.16 Chapter 16 A RESOLVE THAT FAILED.17 Chapter 17 A STRANGE WARNING.18 Chapter 18 A STOLEN INTERVIEW.19 Chapter 19 ANOTHER VISITOR.20 Chapter 20 THE LOST LOCKET.21 Chapter 21 THE BEGINNING OF THE END.22 Chapter 22 HOT WORK.23 Chapter 23 THE SECOND RUSH.24 Chapter 24 A BLACK NIGHT.25 Chapter 25 A RAY OF HOPE.26 Chapter 26 AS TWILIGHT FELL.27 Chapter 27 THE SIEGE OF THE HOUSE.28 Chapter 28 THE END OF HOPE.29 Chapter 29 THE SECRET OF THE FACTOR'S DESK.30 Chapter 30 A STRANGE DISCOVERY.31 Chapter 31 A CRY IN THE NIGHT.32 Chapter 32 THE TRAVELER FROM ALASKA.33 Chapter 33 A CONVIVIAL MORNING.34 Chapter 34 ON THE WAY.35 Chapter 35 RETRIBUTION.36 Chapter 36 A PAINFUL MYSTERY.37 Chapter 37 REST AND HAPPINESS.38 Chapter 38 GOOD NEWS.39 Chapter 39 A MESSAGE.40 Chapter 40 A STARTLING CHANGE.41 Chapter 41 BACK FROM THE DEAD.42 Chapter 42 TRUNK 409.43 Chapter 43 A DRAMATIC INTERRUPTION.44 Chapter 44 THE RIGHTFUL CLAIMANT.45 Chapter 45 FORGING THE LINKS.46 Chapter 46 THE ALARM.47 Chapter 47 CONCLUSION.