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The Cryptogram


Word Count: 1407    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the hotel kitchen. I found the rascal but half-sobered, so heavily had he liquored on the previous night, and I angrily bade him stay in bed for the rest of the d

t shortly after the meal I met him again at the bar, where he was paying his accou

ing, sir?" I

ied, "and later I go West. You, I beli

ded a

t on; "and meanwhile I trust you wi

promised, "and I wish you ev

him again, or run across the man of whom he was in search, were things so utterly improbable that I

t he was as zealous for the interests of the company as myself, and, moreover, I felt that he would prove a trusty friend should Mr. Cuthbert Mackenzie try to give me any trouble. That the captain was to sail on the same ship to the Bay was a matter less to my liking, thou

n out of my mind. As often as I remembered that she was to share the long sea voyage with me, the joy of it was marred by the picture of old Griffit

lovely than ever without her bonnet, and in a black gown relieved by some touches of creamy lace. I fear I stared at her stupidly, and was dull of conversation; but she chatted freely of the wonderful things t

fled. But now I wished to be alone, and for some hours I sat there without a light, smoking and thinking. A distant clock had just pealed eleven when I heard the unbolting of a door downstairs-t

ed, thinking I k

a nod he threw himself into a chair, helped himself to a pipeful of

"I expected to find you in bed. H

of the door

went on, "and Monsieur Ragoul h

said politely. "And have y

atisfaction for that blow,"

have it,

ordsman and a deadl

ith either weapon,

ing, if it can be avoid

sts with me," said I. "But

s who are as deep in the plotting of the Northwest Company as himself. Unfortunately, he learned n

ou to see me through

Miss Hatherton are in a decidedly unpleasant situation. Or, to leave the girl out of it, you and I must decide a v

ainer," said I. "As y

, serious things may happen-not to speak of the duel. I happen to know that a trading-vessel leaves the rive

d indignantly. "Would you have me slink away like a thief in the night, giving Cuthbert Mack

lders, and meditatively blew

our discretion. Am I to understand, then, M

o sides to the question. But before I could find words to reply, the silence of the June night was broken by a shr

part of the house, and a woman's voice, ringing loudly and close at hand, guided us to Miss Hatherton's room. Captain Rudstone burst the door from its fastenings by a single effort, and I followed him over

sterically. "Save me fr

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1 Chapter 1 THE SAVING OF GRAY MOOSE.2 Chapter 2 THE HOTEL IN BONAVENTURE STREET.3 Chapter 3 FLORA HATHERTON.4 Chapter 4 MUTUAL EXPLANATIONS.5 Chapter 5 THE ALARM IN THE NIGHT.6 Chapter 6 PREPARATIONS FOR FLIGHT.7 Chapter 7 THE SKIPPER OF THE SPEEDWELL.8 Chapter 8 CLOSE TO PORT.9 Chapter 9 AT THE MERCY OF THE SEA.10 Chapter 10 THE DAWN OF DAY.11 Chapter 11 A COPY OF "THE TIMES."12 Chapter 12 A WARNING IN WOODCRAFT.13 Chapter 13 THE AMBUSCADE.14 Chapter 14 AN INDIAN'S GRATITUDE.15 Chapter 15 FORT ROYAL.16 Chapter 16 A RESOLVE THAT FAILED.17 Chapter 17 A STRANGE WARNING.18 Chapter 18 A STOLEN INTERVIEW.19 Chapter 19 ANOTHER VISITOR.20 Chapter 20 THE LOST LOCKET.21 Chapter 21 THE BEGINNING OF THE END.22 Chapter 22 HOT WORK.23 Chapter 23 THE SECOND RUSH.24 Chapter 24 A BLACK NIGHT.25 Chapter 25 A RAY OF HOPE.26 Chapter 26 AS TWILIGHT FELL.27 Chapter 27 THE SIEGE OF THE HOUSE.28 Chapter 28 THE END OF HOPE.29 Chapter 29 THE SECRET OF THE FACTOR'S DESK.30 Chapter 30 A STRANGE DISCOVERY.31 Chapter 31 A CRY IN THE NIGHT.32 Chapter 32 THE TRAVELER FROM ALASKA.33 Chapter 33 A CONVIVIAL MORNING.34 Chapter 34 ON THE WAY.35 Chapter 35 RETRIBUTION.36 Chapter 36 A PAINFUL MYSTERY.37 Chapter 37 REST AND HAPPINESS.38 Chapter 38 GOOD NEWS.39 Chapter 39 A MESSAGE.40 Chapter 40 A STARTLING CHANGE.41 Chapter 41 BACK FROM THE DEAD.42 Chapter 42 TRUNK 409.43 Chapter 43 A DRAMATIC INTERRUPTION.44 Chapter 44 THE RIGHTFUL CLAIMANT.45 Chapter 45 FORGING THE LINKS.46 Chapter 46 THE ALARM.47 Chapter 47 CONCLUSION.