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The Dreadnought of the Air


Word Count: 2429    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

feet, the muscles of his fa

underrate that fellow. Look here, Dacres, there's a job for you the fi

od; what

enough-he knows the character of the rogue. If we can nab the fellow on English soil that will save a lot of complications, for otherwise it won't end only in a rupture between Great Britain and Valderia. Valderia is only

n his forehead. He was labouring under intense mental strain. Dacres made no re

re to prevent him from negotiating with some of the Great Powers? Should the secret pass into the hands of our avowed rivals, in a very short space o

Durango indirectly gains you the sympathy of the government,

cres," observed Whittinghame. "Now let's s

noticed, with considerable surprise, that his small handbag f

ked me in the wood. Well, I'm in luck-by Jove, I am! Here I am signed on for service in the mysterious airship-and already entrusted with an

Dacres from sleeping. In less than ten minutes he

or, and in reply to his "All right" the man Williamson, w

hame presents his compliments and would you care to make u

ich fitted him fairly well considering the slight difference in

e ready for you at half-past eight. With luck you ought to be at the Admiralty soon after ten-that, I believe, is the usual hour at which the official

Dacres; "by

ame shook

icial reticence' of the Postmaster-Gener

ess?" ech

test type, and Callaghan, who is to pilot you, is a skilled oper

Dacres, in the course of the meal. "Have any pe

le with poachers, until I effectually scared them off. After

xistence of the 'Meteor' and

dden here. To conceal an airship of over a thousand feet in length in a comparatively small plantation seems illogical. That is the beauty of the whol

agents prowl

these fellows had the opportunity I don't suppose they would hesitate to kidnap or even murder me; but I

mention i

them you would have been held powerless till my men released you. Again, had you made a dash for liberty last night, you would have found the drive barred by a gate. Na

cres with a smile. "I'm jolly glad I didn't for other reasons

ond the electrically-charged gate is another gate. The lodge-keeper has to open that, and if he is cer

is the genera

uilt on the site of an old royal hunting-lodge, and the extensive cellars still remain, although long forgotten until we discovered them by pure accident. Othe

at had recently become popular in Great Britain. Aviation as a means of making a journey had beco

without detriment to Callaghan's other duties. The passenger's seat, in the rear and slightly higher than the pilot's, was protected from the wind and rain by an enclosed structure resembling the body of the

short lever and the propeller began to revolve. The passenger was made aware that the flight had begun by reason of his head coming into contact

uzz of the powerful rotary motor, and it was not until Dacres looked over the side and saw the moorland and forest slip

the course to counteract the cross air-current, and three minutes later Winchester, nestling between the downs, glided underneath like a panoramic effect. Then Alton and Aldershot were

this branch of aeronautics had been abolished. It was no longer forbidden to fly over towns, and the metropolis was

anger to London he could easily have found his way by reason of hundreds of aeropla

ich, after the rapid rush, seemed to Dacres more li

ne was circling now in company with ten more, spread out a

s clear to receive the next batch of waiting 'planes. Fascinated, Dacres watched the sward apparently rising to meet him. The volplane was so steep that it seemed that nothing could prevent t

ceptible jar and a strange sensation in the back of his neck, Da

that block," remarked Callaghan apologetically, as he opened the door. "

ff in his lower limbs, hurried to the exit, called

e announced to the petty-officer m


he is not in the building. Mr. Wells is doing du

know me. In any case, he can tell me where Hythe is with more certa

ls in a waiting-room for full twenty minutes u

med. It was quite uncertain when he would return: it might

oined the monoplane. "Send a message to Mr. Whittinghame and explain that Co

when we are clear of this place. I'll la

y," agreed Dacres a

plane shaved past the tower of Portsmouth Town Hall

information that Commander Hythe was engaged with the Commander

anding. This is official and not private business. Would you mind letting me have pap

eceived at the gate to the effect that Comma

the youthful commander as Dac

me. I can give you five minute

rd. It seemed as if he had aged ten years since yest

hat the plans of the 'M' clas

plans and specifications were stolen from the manager's confidential re

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