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The Gay Adventure


Word Count: 3422    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y space the young man felt as a king must feel when he makes a royal progress abroad. There was no cheering from the crowd that had gathered, hoping for blood, or at le

t and bowing his thanks to the kindly creatures. As for the l

rs, and with a sigh of misery opened the door. The lady got in; but just as he

om for two!"

voice of the chauffeur asking whither he was to drive. "To Heaven!" he muttered, and then recklessly, "Or hell, if you like!" The chauffeur looked anxiously at him, fearing he had suffered mentally from his exertions. Lionel caught

" asked the

iggest," said Lione

"What a perfectly topping girl! How will it end? What shall I do-say-think? She is the most charming creature I have met; she invites a kiss-might I?... Be careful, Lionel! Your fortu

alier, hero though he was. Leaning back against the cushion, she gazed pensively out of the window at the streets and traffic

a sympathetic engaging accent, nicely ca

?" sh

and. He raised it to his lips and kissed it with a passionate reverence. "Ah

gh her voice betrayed neither astonishment nor in

is anything but that. If this be foolishness, then youth a

en were agreed up

heresy," admitted Lionel, "but not

atent," she retorted, "but how


gaiety, I have good hopes

been too presumptuous, or at least premature. Lionel cur

asked anxiously. "I ha

n infinitesimal pause.

t he took her in his arms. Possibly she was too amazed to protest; certainly at first she made not the least resistence to the onset.

ot coal at the appalling word, and sat back rigid in his own corner of the cab. His companion, mastered by emotion,

... not .

e replied; but the lie was obvious

ured. "I must always cherish in my memory a br

ng that noblesse sometimes

ed Lionel

ng. Her hand restrained while it aroused him. "No: you must not mind that. I call you Lionel because"-she

he said sinc

"Yes, you must-it is only natural. But I should

by his recent heroism and virtue, flattered by the interest show

ason," he said, smiling. "I h

ed; and when he answered "

ime it was. He put his hand to his pocket and then withdrew i

s a matter of fact, I paw

ed impulsively. "Oh! I beg y

y honest as he replied, "Distinctly poor. I am glad to think I can still create

d?" she said, h

se in making myself unhappy. I should prefer to pay half a guinea for a stall rather


't afford to be

late. Will you please tell the man to driv

ing the chauffeur, he sat back, wondering what the end would be, content to wait on fortune. The lady, too, did not speak again until they had almost re

Besides, it was a case of necessity: his sixpence-ha'penny h

uld if I could, but I can not. Five

"And keep the change." This, however, was clearly impossible, nor did it appear to enter the lady's

oing?" she ask

n be of furt

son yet, and you must-at least in justice to myself. This is only t

the man to disobey the seductive finger. True, the lady had a husband-a scurvy

were lounging and chatting between their entrances. It was evidently a costume play, and the sight of doublets, rapiers and helmets was a pleasant thing afte

end of many actors and actresses not a few. With the dressing-rooms of the men he was well acquainted,-those dingy color-washed chambers, lighted by flaring gas, divided by racks for dresses, equipped at times with but the washin

five creatures herded in a bare loose-box, in the intervals of painting and dressing, engaged with talk of frills or scandal. The private dressing-rooms of those gre

s scattered about in various coigns of vantage, a wall-paper of a warm terra-cotta tint, a soft carpet to correspond. A brass curtain-rod divided the room in two, but the curtain was not dr

a slight clicking as if she was switching on more light; then a soft rustling and the sound of her

ith the dark masses of hair that gleamed seductively. She was clad in a sort of peignoir, a loose flowing robe of Oriental texture, crimson of hue, with dull gold braiding and tassels. Her face was rouged and powdered, b

ions ready of tongue, who took a pride in never showing surprise, could only murmur "A

e-paint, but to-night I was in a hurry and made-up dry. I want to talk. I am not on for a while, and my d

ent. "I am sure," he said chivalrou

se or condone. But as I have already put you to considerable trouble, and mean (if you ar

as gracefully

little village on the southeast coast. I was a twin, the other child being a sister, the replica of myself. My mother died when I was only two years old. When I was seventeen I was kidnaped

English dress was burned, my skin stained a brownish hue. Whenever observation threatened I was immured in a small black hole, made at the end of one of the caravans by a false partition. The police failed to trace me, for the gipsies had been cunning enough to stay some weeks in England after my capture to throw my relatives off the scent, k

kish officer of the sultan's body-guard. Blindfolded and gagged, I was put into a kind of sedan-chair under cover of darkness and carried to his palace. I was escorted to a

egan-and I was surprised at his excellent English and supreme courtesy-'believe me when I say that I regret your sufferings. But as I am not th

ry any one against my will. I added that I was a British subject, and tha

for an English wife, because I happen to admire English women more than any others. I have made efforts to contract an alliance by orthodox methods, but have not succeeded.

I began. He w

or by choice-you need have no western fears of polygamy. I am rich, young and powerful. And I hope that you will find out that,

tmost respect, as if I were mistress of the household, but I was a prisoner. I was allowed to walk in the spaci

d love. He would talk of a thousand things-books, philosophy, the drama, even of fashion-and being most versatile and accomplished, I found him excellent company. I did not feel much resentm

during the long months my hopes had died, though my determination was as English and stubborn as ever. Lukos was equally persistent in maintaining his origin

must hu

ds there was a knock,

Blair," she said, with

u will stay to hear the end, Mr. Mortimer? I am on for most of this act,

said Lionel, ris

A brief interval elapsed and she came forth dressed to play her part. She threw him a bright smile as he sprang to the door. "You

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