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The Genial Idiot


Word Count: 1785    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ions that once filled my childish soul with glee are no longer a part of the pleasures of the young. Actually, Mr. Whitechoker, I got through the whole day yesterday without sitting on a sing

said Mr. Brief. "Whe

middle of a pine log and filled it with powder. We had it that night on the hearth, and a moment later there wasn't any hearth. In talking the matter over later with my father and mother and t

nswer you deserved,"

Pelée rolled into one could never thereafter induce in me anything approaching that joyous sensation that I derived from the spectacle of that fool-log and that happy hearth soaring up t

a boy," said the Doctor. "I should

aunt's bed and barked like a bull-dog after she had retired, dear old Tabitha knew that it was all done in a spirit of pleasantry. When I glued my grandfather's new teeth together with stratina, that splendid old man was perfectly aware th

ac. "I'd have spanked you good a

me I was ten years old, and then she had such a shock she

yer. "Nearly killed you, I suppos

orpedoes from my pistol-pocket. On the second whack I appeared to explode. Poor woman! She didn't

to your father," said the

y uncles and aunts, telling them to come and dine with us that night; and they all came, too, although my father and mother were dining out that evening, and-oh dear, April-fool's-day is not what it used to be. The boys and girls of the present generation are little old men and women with no pranks left in them. Why, I don't believe that nine out of ten boys, who are about to enter college this spring, could rig up a successful tick-tack

e world the practical jokes of April-fool's-day bear away the palm. There was a time, ten years ago, when I hardly dared eat anything on the first of April. I was afraid to find my coffee made of ink, my muffin stuffed with cotton, c

I have mistrusted the humor of the April-fool joke. Instead of my text, as I glanced at what I supposed was my note-card, my eyes fell upon the statement that fruit taken from the table would be charged for; instead of my firstly, secondly, thirdly, and fourthly, my eyes were confronted by Fish, Eggs, Hot Bread, and To Order. And, finally

bully good sermon, alle

it held more fire than usual; but I can assure you, my young friend, it

thankful the old tricks are going out. As Mr. B

out of handing his father a loaded cigar, when he knows that the old man is handling that sort of thing every day in his business as a promoter of the United States Hot Air Company. What fun is there in giving your sister a caramel filled with tabasco-sauce when you can watch your father selling eleven dollars' worth of Amalgamated Licorice stock to the dear public for forty-seven fifty? The gum-drop filled with cotton loses its charm when you contrast it with Co

ster whose parent is engaged in that sort of bus

r him, they say, 'No. Let us refrain. The governor has had trouble enough with his International Yukon Anticipated Brass shares this year. He's had all the fooling he can stand. We will give the old gentleman a rest!' Fact is, come to l

?" asked

een incorporated by the leading financiers of the age, and is doing a profitable trade

urself have abandoned the field. You are just the sort of person wh

ld," said the Idiot. "I did play

asked Mr. Whitech

bill to-morrow," replied the Idiot, as

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