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The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest


Word Count: 2313    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ashing," complained Grace; "in fact, I am almost wondering if we should not go into ashe

ry work. Mother thought we were perfectly heroic to undertake the task, and she was pleased to death to see the lines of sparkling linens waving welcome to her as she hailed in from the train. Also, she admitted

shions at "Rosabell." Also she kicked off a new pair of pumps to remove pedal distractions. "You know Cleo, I have heard that a lot of small fires do start up mysteriously around here. And no one has been able to run down the fire bug. I heard some men down at the Post Office talking about a run the fire depart

signal. "I just wonder what will happen if you go getting so mighty wise all of a sudden. But I do think yo

ness. Also, I have found my old Jack Tar friend, that I promised myself when we came down. And he is captain of the Life Saving Station just as I planned. Only-well-it really isn't essential, but his whiskers are not quite as

ocean breeze this A. M. So gather up your pumps

the life saving station they seemed quite a part of the picture. The real marine sky-that green blue with white clouds as soft as the very foam they roll

ound pot stove was obviously the most conspicuous thing in the room, and beside it such furniture as the long table with its faded red cover, the big wooden chairs, with bindings of

ace, after looking about

comin'," returned a voice which p

ow," as he eyed the uniform and both girls raised their hand in salute. "Maybe you can give us something to do with all of your life l

than in thirty years," he declared, pulling out two of the heavy wooden chairs, running his hand over them to make sure they were free from dust, then indic

ear folks talking about?" asked Grace in her direct way.

in which he was emitting his clouds of smok

hat. There was seven good hens burned in that little fire last night, and old Dick Malloney has to depend on sell

e noticed smoke almost every morning out in those woods ov

ew rocks, but big enough to stand the wear, so it is called Luna Land, but children make it Looney Land," he explained. "A couple of huts in there, but

asked Cleo. "Quee

t come that way. Looney Land doesn't mean anything that I know of except the moon seems to set over there

the forbidden land was very apt to become attractive, but n

ng an oil skin coat, and noticing the big shiny hat that hung wit

ars ago. See that little pole stickin' up out there beyond the pier? T

asked Grace

d woman, and a youngster-little girl. We took them in here from the line, you know how we swing the rings out on the line, and draw the poor

asked Grace, interested now that "life" had

nd out of this station in thirty years-I've been here more than that, and I don't keep no record of my visitors. They are

ys turn out to be somebody of account, lost at sea and found years later on land. You know how storie

oar in that loft but is a record of some boy's courage, and not a boat do we break up for fi

forced herself to ask, being a trifle reticent about recall

nd 'don't go near,' I allus' believe they know what they're talking about. I hain't never hearn any grown up say rightly the place is pes

ose and thanked him for his hospitality. They had enjoyed the visit, and on

enough name, especially as Captain Dave says the moon sets over there, but 'Looney Land' is different," she declar

ut the queer diggin's. Better not tell Julie, she is so nervous, and I'm sure Margaret would want to fetch along our only two town police officers, she is so pra

reen that bound Glimmer Lake, Margaret

n!" she repeated in that useless w

ied Grace, "but get your breath or

She followed us all the way from the village. We turned corners, and so did she; we hurried, and she hurried, and when we

aret, who would think you were a first class scout? I'm surprised

gue us and molest us in the streets." Julia was not quite sure "molest" was th

our own-our own policing? Let's form ourselves into a squad, and tra

actical Margaret. "I'm ready to drop from all th

she go?"

the fence," replied Julia, "and we were so glad to b

See, he is making for a quiet bench, and look! That's yellow paper stickin

ght for the bench, and finding a seat proceeded to read.

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