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The Secret Adversary


Word Count: 2863    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

self as best she might, consoled by the reflection that her reasoning had been justified by events. The two men had undoubtedly come from the seco

g him in the chase, the girl felt at a loose end. She retraced her steps to the entrance hall of the mansions. It was now tenanted by a sm

, at all events she invariably got on well with small boys. A sympathetic bond seemed instantly t

y, in the best approved hospital-early-

rinned re

miss," he

e effect was purposely a broad one in case Albert should miss it. She lean

s on the fittings and o

e's plans, since the badge in question was the device of a local training corps originated by the archdeacon in the early days of the war. Its presence in Tuppence's coat was due to the fact that she had used it for pinning in some flowers a day or

ective Force!


murmured ec

he air of one who has establi

after?" she in

und-eyed, demand

f the

and jerked a thu

self Vandemeyer. V

nd stole to

he querie

so. Ready Rita they c

rt deliriously. "Oh, ain't

as a great frequen

how she was a bad lo

?" inquired

'Mark my words, Albert, I wouldn't wonder if the police was to come after her

"Finds it useful in her lay-out, you bet. Has s

s the green ston

nce n

fter her for. You kn

shook h

ysdale, the

ort of fami

inest collection of emeralds in t

om Albert. "It sounds more li

atified at the succ

her. And"-she produced a long-drawn-out wink-"I g

her ejaculation ind

ddenly. "I guess I oughtn't to have put you wise, but i

t eagerly. "Ain't there anything I could d

to consider, the

you in mind, son. What's this ab

e one nowadays, and to be treated accordingly, and, what with her

Tuppence thought

. She thought a minute or two, t

you mentioned that you'd got a young cousin, or a frie

"You leave it to me, miss, and I'll

t say that the young woman could come in right away. You let me k

I to let y

ppence laconically

yed her

good job, this

man Rysdale backs the bill. But don't fret, son. If t

lly, and walked briskly away from South Audley

ses. Starting with a cheap clothing store, and passing through one or two second-hand establishments, she had finished the day at a well-known hairdresser's. Now, in the seclusion of her bedroom, she unwrapped that final purchase. Five minutes later she smiled contentedly at her reflection in the glass. With an actress's pencil she had slightly altered the line of her eyebrows, and that, taken in conjun

e pert reflection in the glass, "you'll d

art of the day's work. It was quite on the cards that Julius P. Hersheimmer had left for Constantinople at a moment's notice if he fancied that a clue to his cousin's disappearance was to be found there. The energetic young man had succeeded in making the lives of several Scotland Yard men unbearable to them,

ith news, and absolutely no one to tell it to! Tommy might have wired, or something. I wonder where he is. Anyway, he can't

Boy Detective, which, with other threepenny works of lurid fiction, she had sent out to purchase. She felt, and rightly, that befor

ought a note f


e you indicate. Those people are absolutely desperate and incapable of either mercy or pity. I feel that you probably underestimate the danger, and therefore warn you again that I can

will find everything arranged. You have lived for two years with Miss Dufferin,

that you should represent yourself to be what you are, a former V.A.D., who has chosen domestic service as a profession. There a

you decide, g



arnings passed unheeded. The young lady had far too

rself. Although she had no doubts of her own powers to sustain a role indefinitely,

t the morning post brought a somewhat dirty postc

blush that she rang the bell and ordered it to be placed in a taxi. She drove to Paddington, and left the box in the cloak room. She then repaired with

nsions. Albert was on the look-out, attending to his duties in a somewhat desultory fash

known you! That r

ed Tuppence modestly. "By the way

as a friend of mine knew a young gal. Annie wasn't best pleased. She's stopped on

l," said


my word, ain't she got a temper. Are you going up now, mis

with a stern glance

conscious of Albert's eyes slowly des

g woman open

ut the place,"

f undone anyway. There's never anything in the waste-paper basket-she burns everything. She's a wrong 'un, that's what she is. Swell clothes, but no class. Cook kn

er destined to learn, for at that moment a clear


oman jumped as if

, ma

you tal

man about the si

in then.

, ma

air, owing a slight assistance to art, was coiled low on her neck, her eyes, of a piercing electric blue, seemed to possess a faculty of boring into the very soul of the person she was looking at. Her exquisite figure was enhanced by a wonderful gown of indigo charmeus

e of the red curving mouth, and again she felt that sensation of panic pass over her. Her usual self-confidence deserted her. Vaguely she felt that dec

r to turn tail and run without further delay, Tuppe

had been satisfactory, Mrs.

did you hear I wanted

the lift boy here. He thou

k glance seemed to

like an edu

he lines suggested by Mr. Carter. It seemed to her, as she di

ngth. "Is there anyone I ca

ferin, The Parsonage, Llanell

London, I suppose? Well, it doesn't matter to me. I will g

, if you like. My b

t's an easy place. I am out a good

e Cooper

your box. I shall be out to lunch. The


below a magnificent hall porter had relegated Albert to the backgr

in the morning. It crossed her mind that if the unknown Jane Finn had fallen

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