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The Secret Adversary


Word Count: 1921    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

on as "Inspector Brown" was known to Scotland Yard. The photograph of Jane Finn, which would have been of th

own with a crash, and Tommy and Tuppence felt they had known the young American all their lives. They abandoned the discreet reticence of "pr

ence at the close

ss-grown. Old-fashioned and sweet, you know, but scared to move round

ith at the Ritz, in order, as Tuppence put it, to keep in touch with Jane Finn's only living rela

which was th

ady on the morning after th

ing, and applauded with somewhat unnecessary vigour. He

we've got to do som

y si

overnment will not support us at

said before, we m

g up the Daily Mail again,

ued Tuppence. "I'

ted by a fresh b

re being funny, Tommy. It would do you

nion! It does not permit

? It is absolutely essential that we should

r, h


ething of the simplicity of the truly great mind

id Tuppence, "what

thing," said T

an energetic finger. "We


we know one


ecognize hi

lue. You don't know where to look for him, and it's about a

ordinary way. I dare say it's some natural law that we haven't found out. Still, as you say, we can't rely on that. But there are places in London where simpl

s?" inquired the

! What does mer

appetite than you have, Tuppence, and by tea-time you'd be eating the flags, pins and al

, I think clue No. 2

s hea

Christian name-Rita. Whitti

rtisement: Wanted, female crook

t man, Danvers, was shadowed on the way over, wasn't he

see tha

would be a woman, and a good-look

s I bow to your decision,

is woman, whoever

ou make t

d they have known Jane F

Proceed, O

dmit it's only a chance, that t


hrough the survivors of the

ng is to get a list

rter. I got his reply this morning, and among other things it encloses the official

r modesty. But the great point is

I don't know," c

't k

he list. "You see, very few Christian names

y no

matters," he mur

r characteristic

with the London area. Just note down the addresses of any of the

a taxi was bearing them to The Laurels, Glendower Road, N.7, the residence of Mrs. Ed

hes to support the fiction of a front garden. Tommy paid off the taxi, and accompanie

you goin

, I shall say-Oh dear, I don

oresight! Now just stand aside, and see how easily the mere male deals wit

extremely dirty face and a pair of eye

duced a noteb

om the Hampstead Borough Council. The new Voting Re

said the

" asked Tommy, h

s? Elean

y. "Any sons or daugh


d the notebook with a br

olunteered he

e about the gas," she observed

ined his a

observed. "Child's pla

once you've scored handsomely. I

't it? And we can

llected a Gladys Mary and a Marjorie, been baffled by one change of address, and had been forced to listen to

ong draught of beer, "I feel b

e table between them.

r, 43 Clapington Road, Battersea. She's a lady's maid, as far as I

is clearly indicated as

getting di

d, anyway, we're only starting. If we draw a blank in London, t

paid! But, oh, Tommy, I do like things to happen quickly. So far, adve

f Mr. Brown is all he is reported to be, it's a wonder that he has not ere no

it certainly is queer that Mr. Brown has not yet wreaked vengeance

worth bothering about," sug

d the remark wit

Tommy. Just as thou

ork like moles in the dark, and that he has

Tuppence approvi

-looking block of flats just off Park

ttled off the formula to the elderly woman, looking more li



but the other

g u

, then plunged boldly. "We had her down as Rit

d that, sir, but Ma

That's all.

Tommy hurried down the stairs. Tuppen



d her arm sym

thing. I fe

ngs-and then for them really to happ

eached the entrance hall. There were foot

nce dragged him into the little space by the

t th


ed out through the entrance. Tuppence

gnize me. I don't know who the other man is,

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