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The Gold of Chickaree


Word Count: 3432    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

shew crimson and gold and brown and purple, and the October light wove all hues into one regal drapery of nature, not richer than it was harmonious. The warm air was spicy; pi

ose two, talking irregularly of all sorts of things. Rollo was skilled in all wild wood lore and very fond of it. He could talk deliciously on this

els and riders. Then Rollo found a mossy dry bank where Wych Hazel might sit down and rest, with her back against the stem of a red

es and fallen leaves, on which the wonderful light came so richly and so te

never had much elsethat

people's thingsbut I think I like them better whe

r broad hat, and with her mind so full of unanswered questions that it seemed as if some of them must com

, so that he could look up at her

you think

bout you,'


o,'with a little blush and hesitation,'will yo

tle hand, tried the ring up and down the

was all

s the next question that stood ready was altogether too much "in line," a squirrel up in the tree had it all t

had a glove of your

re did yo

done that for ladies' gloves

se my gloves. And you are not one of those silly peopl

swered, 'One nightin the woodswhere it was

er. And you kept it. Then, Mr. Rollo?' The soft, surprised inton

said he

ad it. That glove gave me


. But when was this done?' she said, eyes and words g

oo, in return; but then her head went down as low as it gracefully could, and under the shadow of her broad hat she questioned. Had she bet

ut a good deal about me that you did n

Hazel abruptly. 'All the way from the mi

ld by Morton himself. Those are the two cotton mills, and one of the woollen mills, which had lately reverted to him from the closing of the lease term

above you yet, but t

The head of the val

ither means nor incli

e better for me to


you bette

le Hollow as fast as I can; and t

then?' said Hazel. 'Wha

, I shall be at a disadvantage, it may be; because I am paying larger wages and receiving less profits than my neighbours, and I must keep capital free to bear me and my workmen out through the time of trialif it is to come. I mean neve

es as well as ears, and then went off into

o, 'what is all t

abstraction with a laugh. 'I suppose you never kn

ollo. 'This is



at is, I know it seems to you that I am talking great nonsense,' said Ha

I take a run down to my old ho

ther all the acorns and acorn-cups within his reach, examining them carefully one by one, and yet with a face that grew grave and became abstracted. More time passed than he knew probably, and Hazel had leisure to come out of her own abstractions and wonder at his. He did not

ea what you are

wly, 'I believe I am not

, 'Do you remember our talk


hat service I have


lose its flexibility, and the crimson leaf c

act will make my life more or l

alled that,' she said

another way now, Wych.

I like you,' she answered frankly, thoug

d has no choice. Are you content to

tting back and forth in its vivid way. Then she rose suddenly to her feet, and settin

exactly what you

and stood

or me to go one way,

l answered. 'Suppose you have to meet that dif

you, when you

. I am not content wit

hat case I had some

aiving the

ething would beto

ands, putting behin


rely'I should u

I were not content, it would show th


to be singular?'

he smiling, 'Haze

ask suchunreas


u want to know if I am content to have you true to yourself,th

you he

ut remember, that m

lp a dozen ways

ke to specify

peration. I want you to set me upon some of the woman's work that a man does not readily find o

to have me set myself upon the

observed that there was

ith a certain postpo

l, w

t" in sight at pr

you lessons severely

ou like

ing into life,shooting up and shooting down,shewing their possibili

corn as it is now, full rounded to its utmost fruitage. So

her finger, thoughtfully. 'I suppose they are

such lives goo

Just as this cup is, till yo

dy the lesson I gav


he res

ve moss tufts at her fe


he pulled her down to her place again, and threw himself on the

ong night watches, the fears and questionings and perplexities came


erson to help yo

suming you know

find it is rue. What


with a hidden tenderness in the last words. Rollo was not studyi

ng helped

. We

s. And this was unmitigated. I could not pull out one single

lo. 'Make some statemen

ne,' said Hazel. 'And I am not the lea


at was arranging them, a quiet smile upon her lips. What had she said to Josephine ab

ay, and bending down on the other side, b

le has got to be encountered, and I think

could not tell me. Nobody but oneself can d

ught him all the intelligence he wanted; for he only re

ess you understood, you would just think there could

lif you see a little shoot of confidence in me

ver see it,

, of course. Well

stage, you know,' she s

the honour to remark to you, that I obj

expected to do it. But perhaps that

hat do you think o

a sudden

ods, Mr. Rollo? The Powders all say that I promised th

mber it,' sai

e how you should. But it is needful I should ask you, or Mr. Falkirk will

e day

ey say I ha

n you and I had a ride home in the dark one ni

eep. Hazel took some t

d you un

y hidden by the lowered eyelids; and there was

tand each

nd and warm, still air, slowly and lingeringly. Near the

. Perhaps I had bett

s, and I cannot be he

of your b

ening. I cannot come here Sunday, either, Hazel. Monday

ng Saturday night!' said Hazel wi

on't you come, to

te!I am the most straig

you about that institution, Hazel. I have a great deal to talk to

pretty life, where among other things the two little Catskill sketches in dainty wooden f

get to the Hollow befo

ave, wistful look

ive miles. Gov. Powder owns some of the ground, the Kingslands, and I think one or two more, hav


ather not be; and also probably thinking that it was too soon to trouble her with th

he tired little feet went on, one step at a time, of a sudden she burst forth into one of her scraps of songthe first time for ma

tread has

mes up th

ged her thoughts had become, Hazel blushed furiously, all alone as she was, and rushed up the remaining stairs so fast, that there was nothin

at her fingers were so loaded with rings that the very glare would

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