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The Gold of Chickaree


Word Count: 3871    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

allowed, is a long time; and between Friday evening and Monday morning Dane could not make it shorte

some surprise, as he dropped his napkin and rose t

if I meant to catch

after brea

no doubt my friend Mrs. Bywank would have suppli

ay to get one's morning co

m to act upon y

it to me, would always he flavoured with something worse than gr

you, sir,

in the Hollow by thi

ut that I mean


n he asked Haz

ay that she felt "more like herself" to-day, and changed

ve the care of a witch. I have been trying for a week, Rollo, to discover when we are to go to town, a

ee?' Rollo inquired with

wn off his suspicions by the course of the past winter and summer, supposed himself in

you say I dislike what I have

inctly, Miss Hazel, whe

in the way of those vague desires w

iss Hazel; I never su

see why October nee


it should,' chim

t, down in


k are you wish

and byof buildi

s evidently more than it was polite to s

be able to secure it. Ther

ct your ventur

ot think of en

d others are unde



they ar

?' exclaimed Mr. Falkirk testily. 'I beg your pardonI k

il my plan. There are several thousand pe


w how they

usiness is

his morning to see what

table and presently left the room. The

hen they had got quit of the Chickaree woods and were

last November,the day

riding close up alongside,'wha

Part of the wint


pleasant tooonly I

't you co

ring,'I did not want to come. Mr. Falkirk th

give Mr. Falkirk. Now, do you kn

ple and m

m of life-work, if you will; the question being, what can be done with fifteen hundred human beings accust

azel repeated. 'I should think eve

ou remember how they looked. Tell m

at it meant, then.' There was a l

what would occ

he first thing I should do, Mr. Rollo, would be to beautify the places where

o, Hazel, and this is a more important thing, the desire for something better than the people knew, had to be excited. Roses are not a substitute for bread,to the uncultured mind,' he added smiling; 'and men that are ground in the dust

I knew, you had done. I

competent to form my own judgment in the matter I had a great deal of study to do. And practice,' he added smiling. 'As far as practicable, I will have the pay dependent on the quantity and quality of the work. This stimulates effort and ministers to the sense of character, and

clause an addition to the old code?'

'Now,' he went on, 'to pursue your plan, I am building

ible preparatory work by getting it into the peoples' heads that somebody cared whether

rt of ex

ody to care,' said Hazel.

id Dane, riding close up alongside

ut he never shewed it in any way to do me a bit of good. There was no one I could please, and no one I could

silent a

aid, with the pretty soft fall of eyes

id Rollo. 'How

and you of what you thought I ought to be;

ontrolling a smile, 'When di

criticise me, almost a

long was it before you

shewed a little bit of real interest. And that is what I had been as hungry for, as your mill people

I understand. And what should I have got for my pai

looking flushed and downcast,'only whe

run. He kept it a very gentle run, however, and when they c

about it?' he asked. 'Wha

ildren stay at home when they are sick?

e. I cannot make a rule. There would be endless shamming. The only way is to keep a careful supervision myself, and send home any child manifestly unfit for work. In such a case I keep on the wages for one we

el. 'In such matters women's

es distance?'

n a short cut. And ev

, is no

a few yards

roperty, of co

as smoothing out some locks of Jeannie's mane, w

take thanks from you in that shape. Here is th

straggling settlement of poor cottages. It was a glorious October day; fair over-head and glowing over all the earth; if atmosphere and colouring could have put a blessing upon misery the houses of M

ge even flowing over the crest of the hill upon the level land above. Most were of gray stone; some were frame houses painted white; each one that was finished having a space of ground enclosed within a little paling fence. You could see indications of change everywhere. Here some of the old huts were taking down, leaving room for new erections; there, certain old rubbish heaps had disappeared; the people they met seemed to wear a different air and to step more alertly. F

deeper and more defined; clearly, for Wych Hazel, Morton Hollow had changed names. But

nly turned to

for?' she sa

at is the next step you would take in dealing with a very ig

ose. Then is that y


t then to the door of one of the mills near at hand and Rollo whistled. The door opening, they were admitted to a great, long, low room, at the back of which bales were stowed fro

the floor is cleared and supplied with benches; I have lamps hung from the rafters, and yonder I stand on a cotton

ourself, in a sort, with the people, and to gi

the endeavour to save them. I provide coffee and buns, at cost prices; and then I manage to give them entertainment, with a spice of instruction, till too late in the night to allow of any foolery at the other places. I think I a

and mounting upon it took a general survey of th

ey come to a regular night-school, do you think? And whereabou

l you do

of us will draw empty houses,' said Hazel, softly stepping along the cotton-bale from

Saturday night with a party. I had wind of it before, and no

dy German!Very dangerous conduct, Mr. Ro

business. When it was despatched, he came

s in your mind, Hazel? What will you do, if I give you a bale? and

of other people. 'I doubt if I am fit for any such elevation yet,' she said. 'But I suppose there are some things I could teach the children. And I might be a V

just what you will do admirably. Did you t

id she, laughing up at him. 'I could

ou see another use for my nondescript build

nd every man a salutation with good will in it. On the other side the master had a word for every one, g

ttings were not in yet. On each side a narrower and lower room or hall ran the whole length of the central one which was lighted fr

ls and my entertainments in the evening. The hall to the

t them? From the

to teach them. So several of the women in the Hollow turn a penny that way; and then the bread is sold to the men a

the older women

that can,' said

she said, facing round in her eagerness,'such a place as I have read of in France, I think, where the women who go out to work leave

d at her w

lp,' he said. 'That is somet

her word, for sheer pleasure, and

for one: every child shall go half the day to school. I will not have them on any other understanding. There are few

from morning to n

re any longer looking at carpenters. Come on to Gyda'

cottage. Neatly finished, provided with snug little kitchens and small sheds adjoining for

nes creeping over these walls. But we must go slowly. You and I cannot do it. The only way for permanent results, is to rouse the desire, excite

you were too busyHow do you expect to rouse the desire, Mr. R

t yet.' 'But desires grow,' he added, 'and

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