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Cupid of Campion


Word Count: 2457    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

has much to do with the most important events of this veracious

walk with Dora and the boy, and, in their talks, the subject was not infrequently religion. Clarence was quick to grasp the truths of faith, an

in their looks and venom in their tongues. Ezra made himself a sharer of this unlovely couple’s feelings. He hated Clarence intensely; it

est to gather some flowers for Dora’s altar. The little girl had the day previou

r that if she have me restored to my home, I will join some Order in

lative?” asked Clarence, looking a

e, I’d like to sit at the

ings. The active life suits me. But really that

corrected Dora

s about your Church is that it has something to suit the taste of everyone. There’s no

somewhere or other three months ago; and he began bringing flowers almost at once. He built the shrine, too. Whenever he came in up to a few da

to get Pete and h

as arranged all that. I believe, if they knew about it, that they would s

boy enthusiastically, “I’ll do it with all my heart. He is so kin

ood. She says she’d rather starve than do it again. And Ben is figuring now every day how much he has tak

u’ve done

he hasn’t forgotten a single flower that Ben has brought

ora, if I helped gath

you to do it in honor

I’ll get som

. No flowers greeted his searching eyes. Further and further he wandered. Suddenly, he was roughly seized by the collar

,” snarled the gypsy bringing the

sn’t trying to g

ng him with all his strength. The pain became so great that Clarence at l

footsteps. Throwing the willow aside, he released his hold on the boy (who sank to the

had heard the b

cried looking with conce

red Clarence, mastering his voice, though t

hat did

for flowers for Dora’s shrine. And the worst of it is,” continued the boy with a

r of God will pay you back for every lick

ll the same to the Blessed Virgin, I’d prefer to do my trading with her in flowers in

as so near the place where his adventures had begun. The boy, still very sore and bruised, again started off along the river’s bank in quest of flowers. Mindful of the beating, he made his way cautiously, warily, determined not to be taken unawares again. Suddenly his alert and attentive ear caught a slight sound. Someone in a grov

lt his legs once more with a tender hand. “He has no right to whack me the way he did. I’m not his

buzzed by his ear, and then another. Following their flight, he noticed that the

a smile on his countenance, which would in all likelihood throw any child who saw it in

tonished witness of these strange proceedings. “Also, I think

e sent one after the other driving at the hollow spot in the tree. The first stone went wild, the

ng, and somebody had to suffer for it. The bees were upon the gypsy when he was just putting all his strength into a most vicious swing. He swung that stick no more. With a roar that set the echoes ringing, Pete dropped the stick, and clap

at Pete was going in for a long distance swim. In fact, he had almost crossed the river, before he ventured to turn back. Clarence, who

ese and a dozen similar questions in Engli

ticed him a minute ago running for the river with the speed of a deer. It was fine to see him go. It seemed to me that there was a bunch of bees around

chieved his return, Ben

got those bee


watching you. There’s alw

l his blitheness, and turning pale as a

id you

mebody with an unholy joy on his measly old face, and I knew he was switching me. I couldn’t stand for that, and I began letting fly stones at the hole in the tree, and that old


for him,” h

n’t want any more whipping

e’s son that if he says a word about it to anyone I’ll give him wh

d. “You’re splendid; and if ever I can do anything for you and yours, I

r aggravated by an extreme case of mumps. As for his face, it gave one the impression that Pete had engaged in a prize fight, and remained in the ring for s

swim. Clarence knew the river now; it had no terrors for him. Whenever he went swimming (and he had

on the part of his auditors, Treasure Island, Clarenc

and thinking how you and I can get aw

se to try,

y myself, I think. I’

u c

ather die than get another such a whipping as that old bucca

any big risk

rget you; and, if I can, I’

were to get free, Pete would use som

rence. “Will you pray

l. What are yo

a week before things come right. Good night

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