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The Hilltop Boys


Word Count: 1843    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

upon Jack Sheldon, albeit a good-natured one, and not the kind

he latter had not mentioned it, and as a natural consequence Herring himself, in v

event, and in this particular case Billy would not be apt to hear of the affair of

s own and determined to work it entirely upon his own responsib

in carrying out a practical joke, too many cooks spoil the broth, although there is

king out his plans, and the reader can judge for himself

general schoolroom, Billy got a chance to go up to the do

used in hospitals and preferable as being much more sanitary

s that anything had been done to them, but that the bed would collapse as soon as any wei

head and foot pieces with very thin cord which was sufficient to h

ld drop to the floor and the occupant would go down with them

s in as neat a fashion as a chambermaid could have done, a

," he said, and then he moved the washstand near enough to the bed so

e big schoolroom, his absence having caused no comment apparently

," he said to himself, but did not let his satisfaction show on his

ights in the dormitory, a proceeding that might have caused attention,

dormitory as at first, Billy was ready to see the result of h

y asked Jack, taking off his coat and hanging it on a ho

to it?" thought Billy. "He cou

be for to-nigh

g?" asked Billy. "I don't

rm, just warm enough f

ought Billy, "and wants to see

asked Arthur. "I'm sure I'd do a lit

re both in it?" tho

id Jack, taking off his waistcoat

it, Jack," said Arthur. "I don't

thought Billy, "but it will be hi

k, "but still I don't mind chang

thur. "You're an obliging f

s, I should say,

ut I get accustomed to a thing and don't like to change. It'

ys tried to persuade him to change his mind, and now he threw

here were sev

the rather stout young fellow down upon th

a pistol had been set off, and a lot

ducking much worse than he had got on the night th

tter with Billy?" ask

at sort of bed, do

id not want to let Jack

said Jack with a smile,

ch to Billy's surpri

ked as he got up. "Did I fi

but I have been here since," lau

you foun

" with ano

ou do it?

the end of a str

now I did it?

uses green cord in tying up parcels. I

en it comes to playing jokes on

re ahead of time?" asked Billy, payin

t's all. I wan

e the room," said Billy. "Y

en I did not suspect anything. I wa

fixed my bed?"

ough for me is equally good

fered to swap beds with

knew he would n

if he

ould have been off, but I wo

was the racket

," said Jack. "That was an i

on you!" said Harr

we don't get into bed before the l

ck has nicely got the best of me," said Billy somewhat dolefull

"I saved them out for you when I fixed your little joke t

of Jack in that line," said a boy of

the dry blankets and sheets. "That's one on me. Stil

be put through the mill in fine shape

re tacks than one," rejoined

n trying to play tricks on Jack Sheldon," sai

the same way," said

by that, Jack?" th

k answered, and then the lights went down as a warning that they would

pened to come upon Herring and Merritt unexpectedly, the

eme you got up on Jack Sheldon, Pe

I did," snarled Herring, "but neve

g about now?" asked Arthur, and t

ur saw Jac

ose other sneaks tr

smiling. "How di

me upon them unexpectedly. I imagine from wh

t has partly come out. I'll te

to co

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