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The Iron Boys in the Steel Mills


Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

b, him there!" crie

, lay a limp figure, apparently ready to topple off at the slightest jar. The face of the figure up there w

ron Boy. "Help me, Ignat

automatic crane that was used for conveying heavy pieces of iron from one end of the building to the other. Ordinarily the boys would have been stopped, but in the excite

t to cause it to vibrate any, lest he might

hed the spot wh

Jarvis had been blown to the girder by the pit explosion. From appearances the spectators believed him to be

rope," sho

" called a voice jeeringly. The boys on the

rope, I tell you

and Steve, holding to Bob's unconscious form, fuming with impatience, nearly lo

the lad, letting an end of the rope drop to the ground. In the mea

ll ready d

let hi

tly pushed Bob over the edge of the beam. Jarvis's body spun around like a top several tim

Rush shouted. Swinging himself over, he slid down, foll

is h

to the hospital at once. Here, carry this boy out!" he commanded. "Have the driver hurry in w

llow the men who we

abbed Steve

, where y

pital with

at's what you are going to do. You'll have lots of ti

had no right to walk out and leave his work in this manner. I

to let me off for t

Kalinski. "I'll have you fired for this d

hat they had for the last two years. Steve was in an atmosphere different from that of the mines, or even of the lakes.

y. "They shan't say that I am not to be depended upon. What do yo

you to do? What were you doing

up the mill. I was working in pit

to throw you in-or out of the mill altogether. I'

ill fire me," answer


you w

e shop or else I'll break your

n picking up his shovel walked slowly toward the pit

inned sar

down so fine he'll be sorry he ever got in my shift. It ought to

was rolling from his face and body. The temperature was high out doors and many degrees higher in the mill. Just back of Steve, so close that he could hurl a shovel of cinders against it, was a huge open-hearth

ed the boy, wiping the perspiration from his brow, at

pit had been partially filled with slag that fell back after the explosion, and already a shoveler was at work th

brought with him, without opportunity to wash. The noon rest w

of the hospital from the doorway, but that was scant comfort. He turned back, walking slowly toward his pit to take up

y, Brodsky. He w

're all out of brea

by the h

ow is Bob?" demanded Rush, gri


then? Good, good!

. Him get wel

ce lighted

go without your lunch for the sake of

eased at the plea

etty much hard hit

ick, before the whistl

ill blast of the shop whistle sent all hands scurr

warned the Pole, whispering in Ste

I'm a failure as a steel worker. But no! I'll beat it yet. I'll win out! They can't down me.

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