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The Iron Boys in the Steel Mills


Word Count: 1898    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ll were hurled violently to the ground. Yells and cries were heard

isaster for many feet on either side of the pit. Kalinski, in all probability, knew what would happen when he gave Jarvis permission to soak down the cinders

h fortunately the inside walls of the furnaces did not fall and liberate their tons of molten metal. Many lives would

ut this time it was another than Steve Rush who was hurrying to the s

he lad instinctively pulled his cap visor down over his eyes to keep the stuff from getting into his eyes or b

nd began to climb. Quick as he was, he was not quick enough to get clear of the shower. It env

t the lad. "I'll have a ti

lf up inch by inch by sheer strength of arms and hands. Had he not been such a mus

the top, but now he could make little or no impression. He

in him. Finally, however, he found that he was making absolutely no progress. The grip o

peared, peering over into the pit. There was a bandage abou

ush?" called a

er, for he was fast giving out. "Who-who are you?

Reach up your hands. You must make hurry.

out of the hospital and gone to work in the mill where he was employed on

e was shoveling he had seen Rush go down into the cinder hole a little while before the explosion oc

ugging with all his might. All his efforts were unavaili

xclaimed Ignatz, darting aw

apparently very much upset over the di

he demanded, b

u want?" sn

a man in there and


etty soon if we

you when I can get to it. There are others here who need me. Go along

his countrymen should be so heartless made no great impression on the boy. What he was co

him. It was no easy task, even for them, to get Steve out. The Iron Boy was still conscious, but he was qui

g him from side to side as they would a post that they were tr

o hospital," n


ance had just arrived, so the surgeon of that made a quick emergency dressing of the lad's burns,

z," he

t is

you to f


n't k

Bob is

l me what

t he bl


er ei

the one Bob wa

. Bang!" exclaimed Ignatz,

njured. Run, Ignatz! Find him. Don't

building, from which a dense cloud of smoke was rolling thro

ere was no one in sight, so he slipped from the ambulance. He was barely able

ent made him want to groan, but he shut his lips tightl

" he muttered, starting unstea

thing. He staggered along until he reached the spot where the explosi

You're hurt,

t m

all about this. You we

anything now. I'll tell you all I k

here i

find out. He was working

he is set


look for him, but you know I've got my han

get through, and I will give you all the

ace to face with the surgeon

h?" demanded the surgeon. "Yo

vis. You-you haven't

Is he


surgeon, returning to his work of dressin

. By this time the smoke cloud began to grow thinner and more transparent. One could see fully half way across the shop. As the cloud lifted, a

illed?" a

I know," answered

Bob Jarvis an

ow him. W

was working on number

d. "The last time a pit exploded here we lost twelve men. We found the pieces of them

wn and white, partly from the pain of his

serving the Pole dartin

round to see who was calling him. He

u found


b not here

e," protes

run away," sugg

ing has happened to him or we should have seen him somewhere abou

water on," added the boy, with a shake of th

estion at the moment. Later on, the words of the f

down in the pit there buried under the slag now," said Ru

inctively gl

n and pointing excitedly up above their heads in

within him as he did so and h

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