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The Street of Seven Stars

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 2939    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

he firmament the master. Scatchy and the Big Soprano had gone, weeping anxious postcards from every way station it is true, but nev

The result, masculine and complete even to its tassels and cord of pink yarn, was ready to be present

onditions. Sometimes, while I've been working on this thing, I've wondered-Well, we're making a fight anyhow. An

ting the doctor there after her early clinic. She knew Jimmy's

ttle tragedy, because I have to go through the rest of life alone, when taken in time I'd have been a good wife and mother. Still I have my work. But thi

t know?" Harmony had

saw that he was buried. It took about all the money there was. He wrote home about it, too, to the place they c

er said that. Peter thought thus. A very large

om the conception of the plan to its execution. Harmony's thought of Peter was very tender that morning as she stood in the arched gateway out of reach of the wind from the Schneeberg. The tenderness and the bright color brought by the wind made her very beautiful. Little Marie, waiting across the Alse

nt, who had been engaged for five years and could not marry because the hospital board forbade it, made a speech for Jimmy in awe-inspiring Germ

oy, and let himself be talked over, and bathrobed, and his hair parted Austrian fashion and turned up over a finger, which is very Austrian indeed. He liked Harmony. The girl caught his eyes on her more

. It lay on the bedspread in great squares, outlined by the shadows of the window bars. Now and then the sentry, pacing outside, would advance as far as Jimmy's window, and a warlike silhouette of military

t about the business of the ward; Dr. Anna Gates drew a hairpin from he

" she said. "Shall I

ong. I'll read it all day, aft

mainly an apology for the delay. Then forgetting discomfort in the joy of creation, he became more comfortable. The account of the n

shed, there was yet anothe

s frantic postscript, "find out

right in the letter. The kid's too smart to be fooled and I never s

ny!" said J

take," remarked Dr. Gates, with dignity, and

ur papers get in w

hat little boys must not ask too many questions,

me the horns the way he

hter of a boar, had been obliged to ransack Vienna for a pa

orning's excitement had tired him, and he lay back. Dr. Gates went to ho

holding the letter

tisfy that eternal desire of women to do something, however small, for some one else. Her own trouble

ve sentry, then turned

a very kind thing?"

d nay, nay, and not always that. But Harmony was lovely and the sun

do you

l. I do not think-perhaps he will never be well again. Cou


f our soldiers. He likes

in the door of a coffee-house across the street, he stiffened into immobility and

e of one of the professors at the hospital des

ttle enough, but it was something. It did much more than offer her two Kronen an hour;

st two Kronen worth that afternoon. It was the day for a music-lesson. Harmony arrived five minutes lat

Should he, the teacher of the great Koert, be kept waiting for a chit of a girl-only, of course, he said "das Kindchen" or some other German

stairs at top speed, Harmony dropped her bow. In point of heinousness this classes with dropping on

ith a lordly gesture to her to follow he stalked to the outer room, and pic

rs. She stared stupidly at the envelope in

hand, giggled together. Harmony saw them and flus

will come for your next lesson, not so? and all will be well. You are his w

were not laughing now. Something of fellowship and understanding passed between them in the glance. After all, it was in the day's work-would come to one of

er day of days, Harmony went down the three long fl

f being bound for some particular destination and of being behind time. That this was not the cas

I'd walk. But walking is a social habit, like drinkin

on. I'm very happy

me Peter l

ent. You had jus

topped in the center of the busy Ring with

se, P

what about the Frau P

ions about America; and


She's very much in

n't a tax anyhow; it was a license. Can't you switch he

e'll talk of the tari

r Bergmeister with my compliments," he said, "that because some idiot at home sent me five pounds of tobacco, hearing from afar my groans over the tobacco here, I have passed from mere

ly, P


Ten dollars was fifty Kronen, and fifty Kronen was a g

e way. Can't you cut off

looked down at himself whimsically. "Or on

with that eternal military activity that seems to get nowh

osnia, nine out of ten of them tubercular. It's a rot

ery happy with

ff," he apologized. "I've never seen the Alps e

er will surely se

r gr

n't I make it an eagle? One can always buy a feat

to sleep almost at once

d been done and might still be done, if only there were money; and from Jimmy he talked boy. He

book or two! Then they got to playing the game right. By Jove, Harmony, I wish you could have seen them! Used to line 'em up and make 'em spell, and the two best spellers

young. He had always seemed rather old, solid and dependable, the fault of his elder brother attitude to her, no doubt

lster and hat, sat Dr. Gates. Olga, looking rather frightened, was coming down with a traveling-bag. She put down the bag and scuttled up the

g at them. "I've had a terrific row upsta

proportions of a crisis. She had clung, at first out of sheer loneliness and recently out of a

ged out. Peter, will you stop looking murderous and listen to me? H

tion. The total wa

table enough to satisfy anybody. And it will be cheaper, I'm sure of that: We are all

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