The Library of Work and Play: Outdoor Work
llar once a year for a circus ticket, a quarter now and then for a box of candy, or ten dollars for a new dress or some music lessons? You'd be glad to buy your own clothes, and select
ion, too. Lots of boys and girls are earning their way. You can. You can earn mon
drove mules on a tow path. The men and women who are doing great things now started as boys and girls with work to do. They washed dishes and split kindlings and
their work? The only really happy people are the ones who have found the work they love best. I have put some stories in this bo
can think of. Of course, no one person could try them all. Circumstances must decide. You will succeed best with the work which you like best. You must not let outside
collections, mowing lawns, marking tennis courts, sawing wood, cleaning rugs, drying herbs, corn and fruits, raising queen bees, c
ones, making stone fence, making grape juice and cider vinegar, collecting bayberries, painting barns and outbuildings,
g shrubs, vines and trees, trapping, tanning skins, making candles, selecting seed
, killing weeds, oiling ponds and ditches to kill mosquitoes, shelling corn, st
pigs, goats, dogs, chickens and other poultry, rabbits and other pets, collecting wood for kindl
influence on your character. Do a good job! If you slight your work you cheat your employer. You know it, if he doesn't. You c
are perfectly honourable. Dishonesty comes in methods. The grown-up
our parents' advice about the work you think of undertaking, and the methods of carrying on t
ave more money of your own. And there are a thousand ways to earn it. Every one of you can earn a college education. Choose the best work for you, and