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The High Toby


Word Count: 5384    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

with others of my kidney, but these were mainly in my heady youth and when I was raw upon the pad, and the issues for the more part were against me. For

versed, and so set with wastes and wilds, was pretty much in favour with our gentry.[2] I was often in the West, where my chief quarry lay, or the North Road was that on which I beat; but, Lord! there was no point nor parcel of these shires that knew me not at one time or another, and I warrant I kept the officers

osy private tavern that I knew. Some imp of mischief shook me up and cozened me that night, for I had no intent in the world but to walk like a plain citizen or any talking parson. Yet what happens but this-that I, like a sorry fool, spying of a coach that was running down

ncussion of someone that threw himself abo

ool, and let's gue

er voice, "I will run

s he peered through the window, "you know not with whom ye are d

uts his head to the win

is Captain Ryder! I ha' heard some talk

ind it from the Quantocks to the Humber, and that with a significance

ing me queerly, "we are now to learn if Capt

s a hot[4] young blood, "I will

not that I have some inkling of this gentleman's repute? Gad, I would keep my skin sound, so I would;"

" said he, coolly. "What prize

e or no prize. I do what I list, and 'tis m

open our pockets. I thank Heaven that 'twas you w

in an equable fashion, with neither a smile nor a frown upon him. Yet he had clea

this game cock that he will not venture

r bodies, as I assure you as a gentleman, but ten poor guinea

l serve me for some madam

parels no doubt you will say there is a stout purse somewhere. Ay, so it is. We are upon our way to Godalming, w

bluntly, looking at both, but v

h brave fellow as yourself, and you shall choose between two courses-whether

rise you would do?

aid he, airily, "but one t

u put on this job?"

[6] guineas awaiting at the Angel, is'

ed Nick nodded i

t should be done for this?" for I was sic

n, she is a madcap; she stalketh by day and by night, and she has ta

is portended. "Sure this poor lady m

and brought her to a meeting. But, Captain, you will understand my feelings. My emotions run. I am wax. She were best in your civil hands, that would not imbrue themselves in hasty deeds. You wil


him in a grin, for I gue

by your leave I would learn what

our of Sir Gilber

e that stood at no hazards to boot. There were tales of this Sir Gilbert

ith, I have been about them myself, and I know no greater zest in a pursu

ins to set you on your quarry. The coach has a green body, and

id I, "given Dick Ryder but

lly out of his broad face, "w

ughing, "and if I get not those h


wilderness. Here I sat for an hour or more, hob-a-nobbing with the landlord, and drinking of mulled wine to keep me warm. There was no sound upon the roads in all that time, so that I ha

says he, "and

By the time I was in the saddle, and standing ready before the tavern in that great open space of the woods, the coach had rolled up and fled past into the nigh

heir pace, plying their whips, and when that would not serve, they began to call out, and turned the horses from the highway upon a track that ran among vast and sombre pines. I cried to them to halt, but the fools only increased their terror and their efforts, and the big coach lurched and rumbled over the rough ground, crashing among the branches of the firs, while the horses galloped and leaped in a panic. I put spurs to the mare and went after them, cautiously enough, for the road


aming began again, and one of the postboys levelled a pistol at me. "Put up that to

ain enough that I had here what I wanted. She was a slim-bodied girl with a great canopy of guinea-co

dly enough, while the maid

is come to help you?" She regarded me doubtfully. "Come," I went on, "let me give you a hand,

ld on her. "Come, come," said

ou what you wish," she answered. "Put no finger upo


nt," said I, laughing, "b

these cravens refused my commands we should be ga

ilford, but to the gallows, for

l of a flutter. "Know you not that I am Mrs Ba

d be ashamed at your years to talk so!

white, as I haled her from the coa

o, and, with a discharge of my pistol through Jerry's hat as he fumbled with his blunderbuss, which set

restled like Satan, but presently came to


r not; you have done

nd I fetched her up on the mare's crupper,

s," said she next. "

all louder than I like. You may squeal, my pretty," says

is that?" she

with a chuckle. "They know the road. I

nowledge of the sex,"

, "and I know a stark wench-also, mark ye,

ir," said she with dignity

I, lightly, for I had an acquaintance with w

hat, "I have no doubt that


I cried, laughing. "Gadzooks, so I am, and

?" she said, after a moment

ole nor trick me, and that's plain enough for you. I have shut my ears afore to many pleading tongue

spoke bitterly. "Ay," said she, "yet 'tis my

in. I warrant there is that in you that knows well enough and laments not. I

. 'Twas a place called Eashing. Here was an inn that I had once visited, with an old goose-neck for a landlord, and, taking pity on Mrs Barb

, quickly, "but I will have no speaking. Raise your voice and

pallid, watching me with fluttering eye

I, with command, and on that she sip

ckons me forth with his finger. I stepped into the passage

re fine feathers. A precious morsel

s I. "D'ye suppose I left

s been a pother on the heaths this past week, and the tra

not that I cared for the traps, but 'twas safer for the aim I was making. So I was not three

o more of her voice, and the job for the first time disaffected me, "I think I should say," she went

y this?" I a

here was another with him. I had but

not?" I asked

d; "and I know this of you, that you

y parrot. "Well, you must know," I said, "that those were the officers of the

ly. "But I regret not. There is tha


"who are you, and what do you here? I can get no

face deepening with colour; "I am the Mistress Bar

I, "you are

and now am I stolen away and l

?" I asked sharply, fi

wered distressfully. "There was news brought of his father's illne

t that rogue, Sir Gilbert Avory, was about, and then-for the creature dr

spoil no proper sport, not I; and you and your husban


t startled, but with a g

ou were true," said she, repeat

nough," for it irked me to think

in a hesitating voice, "who

I returned bluntly. "'Twas

"He has persecuted me a full year, and n

ime to fall discussing of Mr Crawford nor Sir Gilber

me back?" say

ess your bobbing heart, d'ye think you will

h some diffidence, and regarding me beseechingly


e for Guildford, but

n with fear, "you would ca

ess," I said; for indeed I had taken a notion

pate. "Faith, you must render yourself to me, or I will none of it. I make my plans and so

one from a room above. Mrs Barbara looked on me in alarm when she saw this, but she still said nothing. As for me, I left the mare standing-a trick she was used to-and pressed up the stairway with the girl. I


. "There is a chamber all prepared for you, and a warming

, but shrank away toward

ugh journey; but 'tis well done. I swear the lady was never in mor

d though I will admit that at first I was put about I soon recovered my wits, and en

ery generously, and some

aid I, "I am fai

ays he, pouring forth a glass, b

And now," says I, "to

his hands, he would[20] have invited Mrs Barbara to an inner

this business, by your leave she

at little smile, "she is certainly of chief impor

d I, bluffly. "'Tis all you s

considering her, and

of spirit, and he must have suspected that something was wrong. "H

. "I ha' made the lady's acquaintance,

from one to the other of us, as though

een drinking, Ryder,"

"but none so dee


our bargain?" he asked,

tage of any man, huff or Bishop. We shall s

t?" he asked as q

d t'other, and there were ten guineas atween you, so ye said. W

a bag from his pocket. "I perceive you to be a man of honour," says he, equably. "I love to do business so! Sure, if there

Mrs Barbara, watched us from the distance, standing

d I, wondering what method he would take; for I


law to recover that which is stolen of me. Nick," cries he in a clear voice, and at the word the young fellow's nose wa

er any chamber knight in town. And on that astonishment followed also these sequels in my mind-that if so be he carried out the plan he had, I should not only go to the jug, but he would have the

Am I a fool to peril a hundred guineas for a chitty face? Come, here are y

iling[23] the while, as if pleased w

y in this insult. 'Tis the gentleman's manner, no doubt. I c

yes about; and part of her terror was no doubt feigned, but I think tha

," says I, "and I pray Mr Nick for witness," for I was r

egant ninny, looking very sour and sleepy. Sir Gilbert pulled out his bag and counted the money to m

ery movement in which the last was taken

will run ye through. D'ye think to get


d lugged out his iron, and

he fellow shall have his way, devil take

yder, and so he soon found. For he plied his point elegantly, but with no proper freedom; and presently d

at my throat with his weapon drawn; yet was I no such

ung master, not I," and dodging his point I drove the hilt of my rapier hard upon his forehead

way, mistress, for I have not

roke out behind us, and I heard Sir Gilbert's voice raised in angry oaths. 'Twas the work of a moment to set the lady on the mare and to leap after her. Calypso has carried heavier burdens than that, yet she h

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