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The Native Born or, The Rajah's People

The Native Born or, The Rajah's People



Word Count: 2109    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

her face to the wall and covered it with h

it would only go out! It will send me mad

t her features expressed it was impossible to tell, since they were hidden by the deep shadow in which she had taken up her position. The rest of the apartment was lit w

n that the end has come," she said at

ow Harry will be there. He will not let it be too hard for me. It's the suspense I can not bear. The suspense

provides when the heart fails to perform its office. There was, indeed, little tend

she said indifferently. "If the light

sprang hal

rkness, faces-little John's face. Oh, my little fellow, what will become of you!" She began to cry softly, but no longer with fear. Love and pity had struggle

hat he is not

ught of him makes death ha

dispensable i

haggard, tear-stained

ttle girl to think of, but even with the end so close-even knowin

er former position against the wall, her eyes fixed on the open doorway, beyond which the grey lake of moonlight spread itself into the shadow of the walls. In the distance a single point of fire flickered uneasily, winking like an evil, threatening eye. So long as it winked at them, so long their lives were safe. With its extermination they knew must come their own. Hi

seen forces gathering themselves together for a final onslaught. It came at last, like a cry, suddenly, amidst a wild outburst of yells, screams, and the intermittent crack of revolvers fired at close quarters. Pan

responsive hands, which yielded with an

eaded. "None? You know what Harry sa

inst Heaven knows how many thousand. Do you expect a miracle? No, no. We are a people who dance best at the edge o

philosophy. "But he will keep his promise, won't he? He won't let us

mpatiently. "Does it comfort you to hold my hand? Well, hold

but it's so very lonely. Don't yo

uthers set h

er hand free and pointed with it. Her arm, stretched out into

t into the brightly lighted space and came at headlong pace toward them. Christine sprang to her feet, and the two women clung to each other, obe

tes more. Mackay has promised to keep them off just so long. Stafford, see to your wife!" He spoke brutally, in a voice

ine!" h

e, with a step as firm

ringing with an almost incre

and felt how calm h


. I am s

is was true and natural, because her love

me absolutel


nds-in my one hand-so

lifted his right disengaged hand, and something

ave been left lonely. Now, we are going together. What does it matter if it is a little sooner than we hoped? Only, not yet-just one minute! We have time. Do no

side at the little couch. Christine prayed aloud, and

t Caruthers had crept back to the wall and had remained there motionless, not answering to his sharp, imperative call. He

ed hoarsely. "Are you not aware

" she

to say to you, Margaret


n our unfortunate married life I

de no

our forg


rieks louder, more exultant, mingling like an unearth

ne-" prayed Chri

ers lifted her

d in your life. You have need of prayers." He lifted his arm as he spok

ike that. Stafford can shoot his wife down like a piece of blind cattle if he

d. "The account bet

to love you just because

wrists. "There are things worse than death, and fr

you have taken my lif

ean? How dare

d-never. You killed me years ago-all that was b

you know what may

' What shame, what misery could be wor

l pay no attention to you. I m

they obeyed the habit of a lifetime, hiding hatred and bitterness beneath a mask of app

!" she demanded, in the

ed to be respo

ed altogether. There followed the roar and crash of bursting timber, the

ldly, holding out his r

s, then at your ow

no fear!" she answered, wit

stine Stafford's vo

y hands I comm

shoulders hurled themselves against the frail, weakly barred door. It cracked, bulged inward, with a bursting, tearing sound, yielded. The moonl

had been their lords and masters. Then the sahibs fired. It was all that was needed. The

mphant vengeance died slowly in the distance, the grey moonlight resumed its peacef

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