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The Ne'er-Do-Well


Word Count: 3044    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

vents that had befallen him since his arrival. He would have preferred to cable this message collect, but Mrs. Cortlandt convinced him that he owed a fuller explanation t

was scheduled to leave for New York within several days. He planned to borrow the passage money from his friends, wh

was something contagious in his companion's enthusiasm. Almost against his will he felt his appreciation growing, as he listened to her casual comments on the scenes they visited. Her

to encourage the growth of an intimacy that she acknowledged charming, while she sincerely believed that he would be helped by it. Finding him responsive, she deliberately set herself to please him. She studied him covertly and set her moods to match his-not a difficult task, since he was merely a normal, healthy young man. Always faultless in her attire, she took even more than

the Tivoli or strolled down into the town to watch the crowds in the plazas. Once in a while Cortlandt went with them, but he was usually uncommunicative, and they scarcely felt his presence

d from New York, but before he had summoned courage to ask his friends for a loan he received, a letter forward

was neither heading nor signature, yet he knew

e. I can't and won't help you now. This time you went too far. You have made your bed, now lie in it. I don't believe in miracles, but if

been so cautious in communicating with him? If it came to a trial, undoubtedly a jury would find him equally guilty with Higgins, for he had held the poor fellow's hands; it was he who had engineered the whole episode. Perhaps he was already indicted. Kirk saw himself accused of manslaughter, arrested, and tried. What could he do if his father refuse

e unknown, but how long they would remain so was of course a question. It was useless to attempt further concealment. In the first place, he lacked means of moving, nor could he conceal his identity under an assumed name while he remained in Panama, for he had already advertised himself too well for that. Besides, the idea of hiding did not appeal to him. He decided to face it out, therefore, hoping sometime to get to the bottom of the affai



ysterious Jefferson Locke for whom he had been searching. Who the devil was Locke, anyhow? The article did not even state the charge upon which he was to be arrested. In another paper Kirk found something that relieved his mind a bit: evidently Williams had not died prior to the time of going to press, although

ploits. Mr. Anthony had argued, threatened, even implored with tears in his eyes, all to no purpose. Just the same, it hurt to have one's father so willing to believe the worst. The two had never understood each other; they did not understand each other now. And they might have been such good pals! Darwin K. did not believe in miracles-Well, perhaps Kirk was hop

of front? Mrs. Cortlandt, he felt sure, would understand and come to his assistance with good advice, but he shrank instinctively from laying the facts before her husband. It was a deuced unpleasant necessi

band was out; then, in response to

ace of tragedy?" she inquired, a

ration of Independence.

she had brought him, and her manner was one of gr

er extremely well. She looked very cool, very fresh, very much the fine lady. All

ou do seem to be in trou

She scrutinized them with a quiet seriousness that seemed to make his trouble her own.

ot so

zzles me is that Locke person. Who is he? W

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safe, so the one important fact for the moment is that you are cast off." Turni

le! I must tell Mr.

you, nor advertise the fact that you are in danger of arrest. It will be quite en

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u intend doing?

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he clapped her

I'd like to show him he's wrong. After I've done that, I intend to loaf again-yes,


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our rescue. He knows now that he really entertained

't such a

of anger as she returned: "He deser

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get a crack

t," she cautioned. "I think he is riding t

ing to hunt a job

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big pay and no

en-by the army," she lau

an automob

it togeth

; I waltz nicely; I row, swim, and box indiffe

also good company, you dress well, and

tion, I smoke, drink, and swear. I am unsteady in my habits, and r

will live beyo


now, don't y

t I know anything? No.

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d pursed her lips in meditation, regarding him m

s?" he inquir

urse, and ability is even better, but neithe




ely trying to think of the nich

those qualifications, then

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ad. "My father

fficulty in findi

her with gratified surprise. "I had a

are also a large number of 'somebody's relatives.' Do you understand? Anything is possible here for a man with influence. If he has a

ng her look, he exclaimed: "Oh, say! WILL you

outlet for his gratitude, and she smiled at him

nd if you go far enough you will reach the top. It would be quite ea

s a child. I grew up with it-was soaked in it. My father

world didn't

fessed. "I had a railroad of my own, too, w


h switches, sidings, yards, and everything; then the fences in that neighborhood gave out. It was a gravity road-yes, there was extreme gravity in every department-we'd push the car up and ride down. We had a telephone system and semaphores, and ran on orders just like a real train


ear cut, and the indignant neighbors began to reclaim their fences. We lost a mile of track in on

ed the rudiments of rai

hing," Kirk annou

s a president, so we can't st

need an

etter go over the line in daylight and really see what this work is like. That glimpse you ha

uld, and I can't b

, this time extending her hands with the words: "Let me congratulate

, and I'll never be able to thank you." Then, as her eyes flashed to his with a look he had never

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