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The Ne'er-Do-Well


Word Count: 3935    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ard made it plain to him in some subtle manner that the occupant of Suite A needed nothing beyond the mere possession of those magnificent quarters to insure the most consider

th his surroundings, he began to stud

, Mr. Locke?" inquired

e is An

don! The passen

as a mi

May I ask where y

he place i

work on

urse! Now I remember h

l. Is that

lace," Stein

work. I don't wo


a great time. By-the-way, this canal

ein regarded the speaker with puzzled inquiry

a? Why don't th

can," returned the other, po

in Albany, New York. If you look on the map you

u know anything abou

heard it m

about anything except the canal. Everybody works on it or else works for somebody who does. For instance, that white-haired man at the ot

pointing out the passengers of note and giving brief details a

a slender, bald-headed man of youthful appearance. "Tha

them pitched

ety folks and all that-" He broke off to bow effusively to the l

linen partook of his own unruffled calm. He seemed by no means effeminate, yet he was one of those immaculate beings upon whom one can scarcely imagine a sp

n the ship's run," Stein told his new

for anything in th

he smoking-room later. It wil

inancial condition and haste

ance up at the moment, he found Mr. Cortlandt's eyes fixed upon him with a peculi

race of either, and an inadvertent glance in the mirror betrayed the further fact that his linen was long since past a presentable stage. Another despairing search showed that even his watch was gone and that his

he new-comer began. "It is made out to 'Mr. Jefferson Locke,'

ht. My name

id I get th

e I don'

ou any

n't k

your dest

u'll pardon my li

you j

ok as if

on't und

uggage-a fellow wouldn't make a trip

ook it up for you if you wi

. I have worries enough as it is. What

this tic

linen. I'll create



y. I must straighten o

y, I

t, straig

t Mr. Locke, i

! Put m

something mighty strange about this. You say your name isn't Loc

nt. And now I want a shirt." Anthon

nother ticket," said th

ets wrong side out, continued lightly: "You look me over an

money as well as your b



icer was growing angry, s

way-pardon the personal nature of the qu


e have about

turned the other. "

must help me find

ng: "I'll have a look for your baggage, Mr.-Anthony, and I'll see the captain about this tic

re all of medium size, and he saw no one whose appearance held out the slightest hope. He did observe one fellow whose neck seemed as large as his own, but the man looked surly and not too cleanly, and Kirk was not yet desperate enough to bring himself to the point of approaching such a fellow

t, quite slender, yet of an exquisite rounded fulness, while her snug-fitting tailor-made gown showed the marks of a Redfern or a Paquin. He noted, also, that her stride was springy and athletic and her hea

d of a girl, as the first sight of her youthful figure had led him to expect, he had seen a woman of perhaps forty. There was little in her countenance to reveal her age except a certain settled look that does not go with girlhood, and, while no one could have thought her plain, she was certainly not so handsome as he had imagined from a distance. Yet the face was attractive. The eyes

dismissed her from his thoughts and continued his search for a number seventeen shirt, and collar to match. But he did not fare well. He

the cost of an effort, however, he refused. It was a rare experience for him to refuse anything, being, like many indolent youths, an accomplished guest. In fact, he was usually as ready to accept favors as he was carelessly generous when he happened to be in funds. The technique of receiving comes

your principles to drink


fter the way yo

I come

ee you, but I h

acoustics of this ship are great. A man ca

to talk about something. Sorry I can't help you with the s

arm and the prickly heat. Something's got to be done about it, tha

sipping Scotch-and-soda, and in all the time that Anthony remained he did not speak to a soul save the waiter, did not shift his position sa

ting quoits; a noisy quartette was playing shuffle-board. After idling back and forth for a time, Kirk selected

is chair for th

I thin

your nam

te A, third f

ard and fitted it to the back of the ch


the chair is

't got a

mor his passenger. "I'm afraid

d up all the wa

I'll have to pay it

ortable as possible. By-the-way


r to me, will you? I'll fix

to realize that out of all the chairs on deck he had selected the one nearest hers, and he would have changed his position had he not been too indolent. As it was, he lay idly listening to her words of di

ared. "Did you send

n around just now, and he wa


tablish a lin

rser g

l over your little ship, but the passengers are

find any bagg

y expected there was. Come now, be a

lothes, I'll see what I ca

t wear a shirt with soup stains on it. Let

arette case, at which Anthony gazed longingly. It seemed ages since he

t ticket matter," he went on, "a

idly. "Once more I tell y

d this thing far enough. If you are really strapped, as you say you are

a long

to give up those qua

your money fo

you're not

tively. "How do yo

You've told m

le room and I think I'll keep it. Please don't be peevish. I want you to do me a favor." He removed the ring from his finger, and, handing it to the Purser, said "

y, Kirk became conscious that the woman in the next chair had let her book fall and was watching him with amused curiosity. Feeling a sudden desire to confide i

she half raised her book, but Kirk ran on: "Anybody would think I was trying to find a missing

you don't mind my speaking to you," he added. "I'm

all enthusiast, for, although she bowed her acknowledgme

as Locke," said she, in a very low-pitched, well

ndignified heir to the stocks and bonds of an

ickly. "Is he your father?" Her face li

l father and I'm the fatted s


reat old party, isn't he?" He chuckled irr

ith a smile. "I hardly kno

ormer; he swears natu

sn't mean anything. It

can't get a shirt until

ailroad with hal

oking, are

't intend to take this trip; I didn't even know I had sailed. When I wo

m her full attention, responding to some respectful quality in h

. I didn't think so at the time, understand, for I'd never

houlders. "I have seen something of

member, and then I woke up on the Santa Cr

intended takin

New Haven yesterday. It's standing out on Forty-fifth Street now, if somebody has


m still sick." He shook his head as if at a loss what to make of this phenomenon. He noted how the woman's countenance lighted at even a passing interest, as he continued: "What I can't unde

u were sick

s upon the speaker, mournful

rugged," sa

ightened up in his

e drugged you and

how I got his name. This is his ticket. Oh! Ther


ht here and brood upon some fitting revenge

me as a college stude

years ago. I barely made

never been t

last row with the

interesting trip for you. At l

is it

would have used toward a man and, thus far at least, had quite ignored her sex. She was sufficiently quick to appreciate the footing thus established, and allowed herself to meet him half-way. Had he presumed in the slightest, she would have chilled him instantly;

e was gratified at the look of concern that came into his eyes

t Panama. I hope I may have the

appeared he murm

ad the card on the back of her steamer chair. "Mrs. Stephen Cortlandt, Suite B," it was lettered

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