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The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1644    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ings Co

g with a sandwich half-way to her mouth, while Amy and Grace reg

em. She was reading hastily the column

the names of these brave soldiers. James Browning of Columbus, Ohio--No, that isn't what I mean--Look, here they a

epeated Mollie, searching in her me

wasn't it?" she asked. "Oh, Betty,

Grace, the excitement beginning to communicate itself to her. "Arnol

asked Mollie, fairly snatching the paper from her chum. "Y

ok her he

ght easily be James. Oh, I hope it isn't so!" she added, her heart aching for the lonely ol

"But I'm afraid there isn't very much hope of it. The Gove

hat Alien was among the missing and he wasn't at all. That is the only m

s name in the long list of the missing, Betty experienced

d the rumble of the thunder overhead. She saw once more the vision of Alien as she had seen it then. Allen stretched out cold and dead pe

g," she said suddenly, speaking her thought aloud. "At

ed and looked a

and the time when we thought he was missing. If this thing is true about Professor Demps

me for us all--there at Bluff Point. But it was almost worth the suffering when we found out that Al

happiest girls on earth--especially after we recovered the twins. But what," she said, coming back to

ce, a little vaguely, "but I'm

uld be to try to find out first of all whether these poor boy

ny suggestion as to just how we will go about it? I'm sure I don't know

forward eagerly. "It may not be muc

what's on your mind?"

nearly every one at the university where Professor Dempsey used to teach and he is m

as far as it goes," brok

my began, but this time it

there is any one of us--except Betty perhaps--who would hav

lthough I would be perfectly willing to brave the lion in his den if there were no other way. My plan is this. Dad knows Mr. Haig, you know--went to schoo

or Dempsey hasn't any sons by the name

the trouble to find out and set our

t then?" queried Grace, and this time Betty looked puz

o. But don't you think," she added, brightening, "that it might be a good idea to w

hat she would let them know the very first minute she found out the n

aving their lives; so when she told them that night of what she had read in the paper and begged her father to help her

ogy up at the university and I am sure I will be able to find out what you want to know. I hope you have been mistaken in your conclusions, for it

to do, but she tossed restlessly all night and what sleep she got was checkered with horri

had any news for them yet. She became so tired of hearing the telephone bell ring at last that she stuffed a handkerchief bet

no sooner inside the door than Betty grabbed him by the arm, led him over to a di

did he say? Why didn't

e poor gentleman appeared slightly bewildered. But knowing his impetuous young daughter o

t I will try to tell you about

know, Dad," said Betty soberly. "And that

k his head slow

e said. "Professor Dempsey has two sons--or rat

ther had said sink into her heart. Then her lips trembled and her eyes filled with tears

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