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The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1649    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


eek or so before they found that the big tree which had extended clear ac

side of the path that led into the wood

f each other's faces the

aid. At this Grace uttered a little cry of protest. The thought h

mething cheerful," she begged. "I've

she linked her arm in Betty's and the two went along

ng back a little, "that somebody ought

by the hand and pulling her along after t

th. "I think we are all acting like a lot of geese. It might

olstering up the girls' courage and they

ed space where the little cottage stood and they paused for a

" asked Grace nervously. "Perhaps t

idedly. "There is nothing to be gained by sta

. The little cottage looked deserted and forlorn and the dreary as

so very long ago, been hospitably opened to them. But, though they waited

g." suggested Mollie, with a glance over her should

success than the first time. Ev

ardently that they were back on the road once more. "

d Grace. "If I use my ring on the wind

mation from Betty made her pause. The latter had tried th

ere at all and if he has gone into the woods to hunt his butterflies and

open, but Grace detained her

cried. "You know what we were speaking of in the car

her eyes wide. "For goodness'

her, but Grace hur

o Mollie's and Amy's cry of horror: "You know he must have been d

use any more than the other girls did. Every instinct in her commanded that she run from the place to the common

he action to the word, pushed the door qu

and stopped short with a cry of dismay. They had not

last seen it, was now the scene of such utter confusion as

d heap upon the floor. The shelves upon which had rested the professor's botanical s

ospitality was overturned and the one chair in the room was upside down on top

lace here in this lonely little cottage. The elderly and already nervous professor, reading the tragedy of his sons' death, all alone perhaps, with no one to co

ot even now be hiding about som

time, for after peering for a second about the room,

hey turned and looked at each other sheepishly. Then

again?" cried Amy wildly, holding to her skirt. "

ack. She turned and faced the girls ca

mpsey may be in one of the other rooms and he may be

back at her heels into the house, being very careful, however, to leave

t had evidently been a sort of rough kitchen. Now it was nothing but a nightmare l

and after some hesitation and an inward struggle B

ever it was, she gave a great sigh of relief at not finding it there. The room was upset, th

p behind her and were eagerly and half

showing in her voice, "and as there doesn't seem to be any

ed to retrace their steps when a slight sound i

stioned, but Mollie held

tumbling over something. This was

m wildly for a means of escape M

voice. "And he is between us and the only door i

me face to face with a young man who seemed more start

place phrase the girls could have hugged the speaker in relief. Al

the girls at him so long that the funny side of the s

d young man. "But I am sure of one thing, and that is that we were

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