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Tik-Tok of Oz

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2305    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

tifies th

l girl Ruler of Oz was busy with the welfare of her subjects and had no time to think of Ann Soforth and her disloyal plans. But there wa

Ozma holds her court, Glinda owns a wonderful magic Record Book, in which

is book. If a child stamps its foot in anger, Glinda reads about

nn Soforth, Queen of Oogaboo, had foolishly assembled an army of sixteen officers a

f quarreling or fighting. So Glinda did not even mention the matter to Ozma, or to anyone else. She merely went into a great chamber of her castle, known as the Magic Room, where she performed a magical ceremony which caused the mountain pass that led from Oogaboo

ever find their way back into the valley of Oogaboo. They were greatly puzzled, indeed, by their surroundings and did not know which w

e world, and here is part of it. In time, as we pursue our victorious journey, we will doubtless

lace, Your Majesty?" anxi

no people, as yet, but when we do, we w

der them of all their posse

Files; "but I hope they will fight us, just the sa

r our foes do or not; and perhaps we would find it m

ers became hungry they became fretful. Many would have deserted had they been able to find their way home, but as the Oo

or plunder. She scolded her officers until they became surly, and a few of them were disloyal enough to ask her to hold her tongue. Others began to repro

the sighs of the officers were answered by the merry whistle of the Private. His pleasant disposition did much

encountered their first adventure. Toward evening th

coming t

ooking with interest at the approaching cloud.

asked Ann, lookin

. "I have never seen a Rak, to be sure, but I have read of them in the story-books that grew in my o

came quite worried and gather

thing like?

the creature can fly in the air and run like a deer and swim like a fish. Inside its body is a glowing furnace of fire, and the Rak breathes in a

oan and to tremble, but File

us, and you must not forget that we people of Oogaboo,

Rak catches us, and chews us up into small p

ce will still be ali

ed Colonel Banjo. "A hamburger steak is a h

, whether it is the breath of a Rak or not. If it has no smell at all, it is probably a fog; bu

e frightened group and began to envelop them. Every nose sniffed

and moaning in anguish. Queen Ann sat down upon a rock and faced the cloud more bravely, although her heart w

e setting sun was black as ink. Then through the gloom appeared two round, glo

s gun, took

and hard. They flew toward the monster and struck it, and with a wild, weird cry the Rak came fluttering down

. "See what you've done with

, "for the cloud formed by y

chfully, as it still flapped its wings in a helpless manner.

lied Files. "Did the bul

ky, because I have to talk with my teeth set close together. Another bullet broke my left wing, so that I can't

mmanding officers?" inquired Files. "From their cr

e, for I have a bad disposition. If only I could open my mouth, I'

fficers more easily; but in doing this it rolled completely off from them and t

ew from the sound of their voices that they h

is caused by our desire to continue our journey. If you die, do not bl

onster, "for I bear a charmed lif

t?" ask

day and my leg will heal in a week, when I shall be as well as ever. Having shot me, and so caused me all this

e an engagement with Queen Ann of Oogaboo to help her conquer the wo

e monster. "If you've an engage

of them, as they got farther and farther away from the dreadful spot where the wounded monster lay. By and by they reached a little hill and could see the last rays of the sun flooding a pretty valley beyond, for no

ng for their cowardice, at the same

away we are now able to assist Your Majesty in conquering the world; wh

ght of the Rak the spirits of the entire party rose quickly. Just at dusk they came t

napsack, in which was not only his own tent but an elaborate pavilion for Queen Ann, besides a bed and chair and a magic table. This table, when set upon the ground in Ann's pavilion, became of large size, and in a drawer of the tabl

night, to show that the country they were in had been conquered by the Queen of Oogaboo. So far, no one but themselves

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