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Tik-Tok of Oz

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 2670    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

e's Pitif

tain part of the country-a real hard shower, for a time-and sent the Rainbow scampering to the place to

it close by. Usually the Rainbow is so far distant that you can observe its splendid hues

Rainbow appeared, just the same, and dancing gayly upon its arch were the Rainbow's Daughters, led by the

ollow her. Laughing and gleeful, they also touched the ground with their twinkling feet; but all the Daug

cold, damp earth with her rosy toes. Before she realized it the bow had lifted and disappeared in the billowy blue sky, and here was Polychrome stand

me on earth while my sisters returned to our Sky Palaces. The first time I enjoyed some pleasant adventures, but this is a lonely, f

at rock, drew her draperies

along the stony path, followed by Hank, the Princess and Shaggy. At onc

lovely, love

olden head. There were

ble girl in the whol


bles, pretty one,"

my bow!" wail

n in a sympathetic tone, thinking

ychrome, stamping her foot im

was young I used to cry for the Rainbow myself, but I couldn't have

oked at him r

like you,

ve Magnet from his pocket; "not a li

hands in ecstasy as she gazed at the enc

Love Magnet's powerful charm. But you seem quite alone and friendless, little Rain

you going?"

trying to find Shaggy's long-lost brother, who has been captured

f the queer party of travelers and a be

nd a Shaggy Man!" she exclaimed. "Surely yo

him, then?" i

netrate. But I've heard of the Metal Monarch. He is also called the Nome King, you know, and

then?" asked the P

f the Rainbow," said Polychro

"you will be able to tell us

hat is one thing I cannot do. But I will gladly

ghtly over the rocky trail, no longer sad, but with her beautiful features wreathed in smiles. Shaggy came next, walking steadily and now and then supporting the Rose Princ

rested until morning. Then away they tramped, finding berries and fruits here and there which

bow's Daughter explained that when Ozga was driven out of her Rose Kingdom she ceased to be a fairy and would never again be more than a mere mortal.

to go toward the mountains, as the natural entrance to Ruggedo's underground cavern was likely to be hidden in some rocky, deserted place; but mountains seemed al

re were many paths, leading in various directions, and there was a signpost so old that there were now no words upon the sign. A

h way to proceed, the mule approache

rsty," sa

there has been no water in it for many years.

he best to take. Hank, however, could not keep away from the well and finally he reared up on his hind

ees anything down

went with him. The Princess and Polychrome, who had become fast friends

does seem to be something at

p, and see what it

ggy let down this hook, dragged it around on the bottom and then pulled it up. An old hoopskirt came with it, and Betsy laughe

n captured with the hook and drew u

e said, letting down the hook once more. "I guess I've captured everything now. N

windlass and after much effort a co

aimed Shaggy. "Here i

sy, clinging to the windla

the ground, free of the well. Then he turned it over with his foot, spre

bject. "But unless there are two copper men in the worl

ghter and the Rose Princess appr

you found,

riend, or a stra

etsy, who had knelt down to examine the

words, engraved upon the cop

& TI

-Action, Extr

ating, Perf


Special Clockw

cts, and Does Eve

rful!" exclaime

said Betsy, reading from


NG:-Wind t

left arm, (m

NG:-Wind t

right arm, (

d ACTION:-Wind

of his back, (

echanism is

ly for a tho

housand years," said Polych

lied Shaggy. "Le

nd this was no easy task. He was inclined to topple over, and had to be propped again and again. The

my old friend Tik-Tok, whom I left ticking merrily in the Land of Oz. But how

ted Betsy. "Here's the key, hanging to a hook on

olychrome, "for it requires thoug

ittle flashes of light began to show in the top of h

Shaggy, "wind up

that?" s

thoughts may be interesting, bu

rm, and then from the interior of his copper bo

e and tumbled to the ground in a heap. But the clockwork that enabled him to speak had been wound up and he kept saying: "Pick-me-

t, as tight as she could-for the key turned rather hard-and then Tik-Tok lifted his feet, ma

to be in that well, when I left

Nome King's cavern; so she sent me to tell you where to find your broth-er and told me to help you if I could. The Sor-cer-ess, Glin-da the Good, trans-port-ed me to this place in the wink of an eye; but here I met the Nome King him-self-old Rug-g

brother was the prisoner of Ruggedo; but now I know it. Tell us,

ight crawl, or jump, or roll o-ver and o-ver u

which road sh

n't made to tell tha

old Ruggedo has cleverly concealed every opening, so that earth dwellers can not

select any road, haphazard

It may require a lot of time for us to find Rug

," said Tik-Tok, "I will

hich way to go," added Shaggy, looking

eculiar sound reached their ears-a s

eft-hand road and glanced along the path. "Why, it's an

army. If they prove to be friendly, they can help us;

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