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The Motor Boys in the Army


Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

, when they were in the anteroom of the auditoriu

some one was hu

one of them now hurried to the door and looked down the street. There were a number

the man who had made t

t is

e driver's been thrown off, and the horses are pulling the engine down

zed down the thoroughfare. The engine could plainly be seen, smoke and sparks pouring from it, for the automatic appara

of two purchased to replace the old hand-drawn pum

e led his two chums over toward his auto, the trio

u going to d

es!" replied Jerr

in the car, to give pursuit to the runaway fire engine steeds, I will take a b

e chums in the book called "The Motor Boys," k

ns for many years. Bob Baker, otherwise[11] known as "Chunky," was the son of Andrew Baker, a banker of the town, while Ned Slade's father kept the chief

motors. Their initial venture was with motor cycles, after their bicycle days, and then they secured an automobile

devoted to their activities in this regard. As might be expected, the perfection of the aeropl

tor boys under the ocean where they had more than one thrill. Then they went back

es[12] in a new phase. Too long, their parents decided, had they been living a free and careless life, with no systematic studying t

and they entered under a handicap. How they worked it off, and came in "first under the wire," will be found fully set down. Also may be read how the faithful trio, at

when it was learned that serious thefts had taken place there the motor boys were eager t

re smoothly, and Ned, Bob and Jerry were acc

tion, to find their town plunged in war ex


asked Bob, as he managed to fling himself into the rear seat, while

d. "If Jim Foster, the driver, has been thrown of

aimed Ned. "They've picked him up, and are

" added Bob, as he peered down the street and observ

decided Jerry, as he turned on more speed and swung his big touring car after t

in front of 'em and br

, from the rear seat. "In fact, I don't

ceman stops a runaway team is to ride up alongside of[14] them, get his horse to

o try that?" asked

those horses keep on down the Hoyt street hill they'll go smack into the

reed Ned. "Keep on

ellows, when it comes to the l

re pulling it along at top speed, and the downward slope of the street added to their momentum. As yet

bank, but at the speed they were going it would be impos

g after the runaway engine, and shouting wildly. One or two persons in automobiles started after[

or persons in vehicles get in the path of the wild horses, pulling the

re constantly in the boiler. When the engine pulled out this pressure was enough to operate the whistle, and

the fire?" asked Bob, as

large department store. And he was relieved when he saw no tell-tale glare in the sky. But the danger

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