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Initiative in Evolution


Word Count: 2891    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

atterns of hair, that is to say, their evolution. So here one has to move among the

ip-tion nor illustra-tion of the former are required, but I have prepared a diagram to illustrate the latter (see p. 51.) (A) shows a whorl by itself; (B) a whorl, feat


Diagram o

rl (W) a fea-ther-i

certain centripetal dynamic force which may be either that of localised friction, pressure, gravita-tion, or muscular traction, directly opposing or divergent. Thus conceived a whorl may be looked at symbolically as a written treaty between two nations, one of which has defeated the other, and actually as a proof that the contending centrifugal and centripetal forces are in the state called the balance of power. But when the centripetal force of some habitual action prevails o

open, and treat it like that of Jarndyce & Jarndyce where it would remain in Chancery till all of us concerned in the inquiry have returned to our dust. The critic might reasonably ask for experiments which will bear out the suggested views. But verifica-tion by calculated experiments is impossible, for, ex hypothesi

of the Ho

ees and forms of whorls, featherings and crests in such variety as to be almost bewildering. I must have examined many thousands of specimens of this valuable large mammal in reference to this state of things on the

have free play; in the third the neck of a horse in its locomotive life is subject to powerful mechanical forces which are constant, literally speaking, while it walks, trots, canters or gallops. Here then, if anywhere, one may read the records, in indelible characters of hair patterns

at which a doctor travels. This is on the average 6,000, and of course the numbers of jolts in walking, cantering, and galloping vary according to these different paces. But a great deal more of movement of the head and neck is observed beside the jolt at every step. See how the animal tosses up its head, twists it to this and that side for the mere joie de vivre when it is fresh, or, even when hindered by blinkers,47 how he turns his head to look at every passing object in the road with his ancestral caution, how he will pass contemptuo

rmal slope of hair in the skin which covers them? If th


ncerned in the move-ments of t


cerned in the move-ments of the head an

perficial layer of muscles concerned in the actions of its head and neck, and the manner in which adjoining muscles diverge from one another should be noted. Fig. 4 gives the deepest layer of neck-muscles, the shoulder-blade having


ndons supporting the hea

muscles, second a layer of smaller muscles which has not been figured, third a deep

tion, but by its elasticity allowing a downward jerk of the head and neck a


this reveals the fact that in all this series the normal slope of hair prevails here, that is to say, an even trend from head to shoulder. Variations in others, indeed, hardly exist, and I may add that the absence of variations here is a strong piece of negative evidence in my favour, for no Ungulate comes near the domestic horse for amount and activity of locomo-tion, which is indeed his raison d’être. He is the only one that has invented new patterns. But a little direct evidence can be brought which clinches this argument from inferen

en Var

rs and examina-tion of several thousand horses. They comprise examples the mostly likely, as I think, to convey to the reader an adequate picture of the results of the strength, number

and feathering, whorls, featherings and crests, and these in several areas. It is a veritable portrait gallery in which is por


de of Neck

g evenly in line of neck.—Bay h


de of Neck

ich ex-tends from base of the neck to

examined 12th

eted whorl, feathering and crest I have been able to examine, the whole length of the neck being


de of Neck

di-vi-sion, B to A, along up-per bor-der of sterno

amined 15th D


de of Nec

om B to A, where a division begins and ex-tends along up

examined 28th

r close up to the ears begin to diverge. Fig. 9


ide of Nec

curving upwards to the man

rse, examined 9t


ide of Nec

up-per bor-der of ster-no-mas-toid m

examined 11th

in the upper hair-stream and Fig. 11 the way in which this


ide of Nec

wards mane. Brownish-yellow hac

se as appear


k of Horse—same spe-

lying along upper border of ster-no-mas-toid muscle. Two sta

ackney, examined

t of Fig. 10, and Fig. 13 a whorl going on to a feathering which loses itself


ide of Nec

f di-vi-sion, with wide for-ward fea-ther-ing

examined 19th


ide of Nec

towards mane (W1F1C1) whorl, fea-ther-ing and crest; W

rse, examined 1s

situation. Fig. 15 a rarer and more complicated instance of a simple whorl


ide of Nec

on (W2F2C2) a sec-ond fully-formed whorl, fea-ther-ing and crest, cross-ing both up-pe


ide of Nec

di-vi-sion at ob-tuse angle and a sec-ond whorl, fea-ther-ing and crest (W2F2C2) along a

ls, featherings and crests, and give evidence of unusually complicat


ide of Nec

whorl, behind ear


ide of Nec

e of mane midway betwee

e mane, a very “critical” area because this looser and heavy part of

f some of my leisure. No clearer proof can be desired of the view here advanced, that habit or habitual muscular action, and jolting, is the cause of the varied patterns in this field, and that according to the

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