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The Pony Rider Boys in the Ozarks


Word Count: 1308    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

oys looked at each othe

e first to bre

ack did the

tfit and all of the can


ctor l

give our stomachs

e many miles from our base of supplies, with our supplies at the bottom of a gorge, goodne

nything to eat?

e to have anythin

gh about it as it is. We've all done just as foolish things

paces away from them, being more disturbed

" called th

he deep canyon, trying to find the pack mule. He straight

the mule

no pac

there to gather

e shook



jun fall in," gr

ck a mile or so and find an entrance

rse the mule is done for, but we can divide up the pack amongst us boys and carry it all right until w

t, Eagle-eye

old, b-r-r-r! Pony drown, Indian

e to hold a council of war, as Eagle-eye does not seem to have an

f before offering any suggestions," answered the lad, dismoun

ess of the Indian's judgment. He found himself gazing down into one of those deep can

to make any idea of descending it impossible. There was not a bush nor shrub in sight until near the

o the stream and been swept away was due to the matted growth down there. The others had joined

f it, Master Tad?"

very enco

!" exclaimed Ned, pe

our kitche

re is left of it, anyway. But perhaps the canvas wrapped

makes to us whether

es are lost and that's

ough left to carry

r. "Then what ar

now, Maste

re, that's all," answered Tad, wi

if you do. That's the only way we'll ever rea

te," ans

k the gorge is, Tad?"

say. I hardly think it is deeper th

sidering the problem, thinking dee

I can do it,

?" asked

he stu

manded Ne

wn after it

," answered the Prof

n be done, if you

attempt to get to the bottom of tha

r; I'll

. I cannot

oes it should be the guide. He is an expert at

us dread of that place. I don't know why, for Indians are not supposed to be much afraid of anything. I'll ask

ers, at the same time giving

go down there

t?" ask

waters. Bymeby come o

hat they wouldn't bother to get you, even

y one thing for us to d

?" querie

t settlement as qu

ast a day or two, woul

I beli

ort to recover our things? Why, just think of

No, I cannot assume

only danger will be up here. I shall

pose to go abou

ope around me, so that in case I slip anywhere you c

s, where are you goi

s plenty long enou

" spoke up Walter. "That's in th

ler's f

You threw that rope down when you were packing.

other boys. "You can't

, secured the precious rope, which he adjusted about h

ell you what I want you to do, so pay

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