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The Radio Boys' First Wireless Or Winning the Pemberton Prize


Word Count: 1707    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ads looked up to see Dr. Amory Dale, the pastor of the

ame and bearing of an athlete. There were rumors that he had been a star pitcher on his college baseball nine and a quarterback on a football eleven whose exploits were still cherished in the memory of his institution. He was a lover of the out-of-doors

smile at the torn and soiled clothes of Bob and Joe as well as the scratches and bliste

ng over as rapidly as possible their own part i

terling House now and see if I can be of any help to the poor girl who has had such a trying experience. By the way, boys, I hope you won't forget a

't been thinking of much else since you first asked us to come

ckley?" he asked, turning to Buck, who with his cronie

reted by the doctor as a negative. The minister did not press the matter, but w

he?" remarked Bob, as

s," agreed Jo

r books, which in the excitement had been thrown wherever they happened to fall, res

much of in the family circle, not only by his father and mother, but by his sister Rose, who hovered about him forestalling his wants and showing him a deference that would have been highly flattering if it had n

etty, Joe?"

briefly. "Pass me some more of that roas

e complied. Joe

dered by their prompt and efficient handling of the fire grenades, which had held the fl

the street. It was a roomy, capacious structure, and at about eight o'clock that night it became a place of pilgrimage for a large numbe

en the front and back rooms so that nearly the whole ground floor was thrown into one big room. Extra chairs had been brought in so that there were accommodations for a large number.

ence at the curb of a vehicle bearing the name of the leading

e from the supper ta

" chaffed Joe. "You can a

ng to give you a feast of reason

tted Jimmy, "but there isn

flow of sou

nswered, "but a flow of lemon

room. It had a number of polished knobs and dials and several groups of wires that seemed to lead in or out of the instrument. Connected with it was a hor

less telephone to realize that it was one of the greatest marvels of modern times. It seemed almost like some

n Dr. Dale, with a genial smile, rose

of all is the wireless telephone," and here he laid his hand on the box beside him. "Most of you have heard of it and want to learn more about it. I'm going to try to explain it to you just as simply as I possibly can. And

playing a beautiful selection from one of the operas. The music rose and swelled in wonderful sweetness until it filled the room, with the delicious mel

ed away, and smiled with gratification as he

e in the next room,

came from Newa

ngside whom he was sitting, "that'

that," continued the doctor. "What do you say to listening in on Pit

rifle!" breathed Jimmy. "Pinch m

d him so sharply that Jimmy

e," he murmur

by this time the doctor h

ad a national reputation. The rhythm and dash and fire of the performance were such that the boys had al

self. "Well, I don't wonder. I'd hate to see the time when music like that wouldn't shake

in helpless wonder. Then the twang of a banjo sounded through the rooms

ll night the

day it

hot I fro

don't y

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