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The Radio Boys' First Wireless Or Winning the Pemberton Prize


Word Count: 1847    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d talk or think of little else. Even Jimmy Plummer became so excited that his mother declared he was actually forgetting to eat, a statement that his father f

ly. "If you don't give me the money to get som

n his eye. "But I suppose if you've set your heart on it I might as well come across now as later

s apiece will buy most of the things we'll need-at fir

we know you'll be breaking your neck falling off the roof while you're

I'll bet you'll get lots of fun out o

stock in the whole business. Some wonderful things happen

if you had heard what I did at Doctor Dale's house,

n do, Son. If you can really get th

in procuring the necessary cash. That afternoon they all descended on the hardware store, whose proprietor had laid in a stock of the materials tha

rk talked me into stocking up with all that stuff, I never thought I'd get a sale for it in the n

ave," said Bob Layton. "It won't be long before everybo

to start you fellows on your way," said Dave Slo

ted amount of capital would buy. Dave Slocum sold more feet of copper wire in that one afternoon than he had in the previous five years, not to mention insulators, resistance wire, detec

osed Bob. "It will be quite a job to get the aerial str

e Layton home "on the jump" with Jimmy puffing valiantly in the re

da, "you fellows must think I'm a candidate for Marathon runne

we could enter you in the long distance pie-eating contest, withou

do myself proud," admitted Jimmy. "I don't think

re the house is to get an aerial strung from Bob's house t

that we could make a mast and lash it to the chimney. That would give us one secure anc

to make the mast ou

s thinking that we could leave it square at the bottom and plane it off round at

up a big plane. Then the boys set to with a will, and in a short time had the rough timber nicely smoothed off, with a slight taper toward the top. The

culty in reaching the chimney. Before erecting the mast they fastened one end of the aerial over the hook in it. The aerial consisted of a single, number fourteen, hard drawn copper wire, insulated at each end by an earthenware insulator having two

rected the mast against the chimney, and lashed it f

t mast looks as though it might stay put a while. Now let's rig up on

aerial up while daylight lasted, everything went with a rush. Poor Jimmy thought more than once of his father's prophecy that he would lose weight in such stren

ailing it securely to the siding boards. Then they drew the copper wire through the hook in the insulator until there was just a little slack, cut

at I call a good job, and it didn't

we had more time to-night. I feel as though I'd like to kee

Jimmy. "To hear you talk, you'd think making a receivin

a steam engine while we were coming up from the store this afternoon. If you don't cut down on the eats

I'm not as skinny as you fellows, you think that I eat more than you d

ong that line," retorted Herb, with

umbled Jimmy. "I get s

nd that's more t

t, but probably nobody woul

are, Herb

up and hook on our leading-in wire to the aerial," said Joe, im

better and easier in the daylight. What do you say if you all come around after supper

eir promise, the boys had all returned to the Layton home by eight o'clock that evening, full of enthusiasm for the task that lay before them. Mr. Layton was

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