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The Search for the Silver City

Chapter 4 A NEW DANGER.

Word Count: 1976    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ver come to an end, and during every one of those fearful moments t

ents became more regular; but not less in violence

There is a nasty sea on, and I didn't care

s she st

t when she took the butt end of the storm in such a pleasan

ashion to us," Teddy said to Neal, who had

ked pretty hard about it," Neal

he weather

ows itself out, and according to my way of thinking that won't be

atter of impossibility t

uch difficulty. Come, boys,

eel more comfortable in mind, and they made no protest when he assisted them

ds to mop this up?" the sailing master

," Neal replied with a laugh. "I fancy th

nd Mr. Walters started forward in a mann

down like a mad thing. She no longer gave those sudden lurches which threatened to carry away even the short s

left, and from the expression on his face it was ev

s washed up or not," Neal said in a friendly tone. "The s

. "If he'd been up since five o'clock, he'd want to turn in before midnight ins

u have been sleeping?"

y n

e down while the yacht was tumblin

e mast, consequently it ain't any duty of mine to go p

ike to be on board when you thought it wa

s hair down to keep it from bein' carried away when he went o

g finished his work, left the room,

gale such as the yacht was now laboring under, the eyes of both were

diminution in the strength of the wind, and they e

ver, Neal said as he opened the door after some tr

e there, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to

of the companion-way, for the waves must

en save the surly steward who visited them the nigh

ed. It wouldn't be much use for him to turn out,

e to do for

of coffee and a hard-tack; that'll go wa

d then he led the way up the narrow stairs where, through the hal

eace of mind was concerned, not to have ventured out

nt when it appeared as if the final stroke had come she would lurch to leeward, presenting her side to the wave, rising on the succeeding one and shi

ening and the little craft appeared to be but a plaything for the angry elements. That she could o

adn't looked, for, bad as matters seem to be down

d through the cabin to the engine-room where Ja

xclaimed in surprise as the engineer ass

screw turning, otherwise it might not be p

ave you bee

I saw y

you had a

etty wide, for a bit of carelessness would work considerable mischief. I'm going to have breakfast, an' if you boy

on the locker where it could not slide off, and mugs of steaming coffee in th

gale had so far abated that the yacht was sent ahead once more; but owing to the force and direction of the wind it was deemed best

oys visited him just previous to r

ers is a cautious sailin' master, an' when he makes up his m

s soon as father intended if we go

rth I reckon it could be done; but there's no se

her, and the idea that they might have no cruising in a more agreeable climate caused a decided feeling of disappointment; but, as Jake had s

shining down upon the yet angry looking waves; but one of th

nnin'; but its settlin' down fast, an' by to-m

er the awnings were up, and all hands were pa

o days they fanned themselves, drank iced drinks, and sought i

the storm, for the cabin was too hot to permit even of their eating there), Teddy lay near the after starboard boat lazily wondering why

ever fancied for a moment anything could be wrong, and remai

e that is so ve

hat had happened t

ow that it isn

ks queer to see that smoke c

tched finger, and seeing the blue curl, which had now gro

ere was any danger, and in the shortest possible space of time Mr. Wal

deck was a scene of confusion, and as all hands were called

oys, the yach

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