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The Secret of Steeple Rocks

The Secret of Steeple Rocks



Word Count: 3974    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


ls silent in the sand. "The world is mine," she answered, with a comprehensive sweep of her arm

s, all shining and new, to the older girl, who directed them toward a distant pile of rocks. There two rose high, irregularly decrea

But I would give them a better name. I'd call them Cathedral Rocks. Doesn't the whole mass mak

, I can't follow the lines of your imagination; but it doesn't take much this time to make

ching out and away-into eternity, I think,-and the clouds-and the pound

ut I'm all lifted out of myself, too, Beth. Imag

on the beach not far in advance of them. "It's '

od facing the sea, his hands in his pockets, his tall young body straight before the strong breeze. He heard the girls'

s are you thinking

t fish there are in the sea for me. When I'm not building the shack I'm going to

re the fishermen get their fish. I thought at first that I should never wan

nd by the time we have our supper it will be dark. We can watch the sunset just as well from above." With this, Dalton Secrest linked arms with t

mp are going to do the cooking while you sit out

airey Gamp,' Dal Secr

have any time left from building, fishing and bringing ho

d to support the family! But I will admit, Dal, that i

head, where the climb to the upper level was not difficult. All four were exhilarated by the new scenes, the beauty and almos

lton could have the assistance of the man who drove them there; but after the necessary things were acco

reams emptied, and a stretch of real coast, washed by the ocean itself. It was this beach which the newcomers had just visited with such pleasure, at a

the fishers' cottages lay within easy reach of the beach proper, from which the launching of boats

s and curved around into one side of the bay's enclosure, though gradually lowering in height. Much farther away, around the curving, rocky, inland shore of the bay, and across its quiet w

by themselves. "I do hate to play the invalid, Dal," breathlessly said

n, of course, on the side, and feel as frisky as a rabbit at the end of the year. Just wait, old girl. We had to let you help us get r

their property included the smaller headland and its ro

een. At this place the point ran out to its curving, jutting, broken but solid rampart which kept the sea from the bay. Below them

slie, that you never c

ere we had an ocean view, a bay to fish in, and a tiny lake of our own. Then came all our troubles and we had almost forgotten about it, except to count it among our assets, pay tax on it and wish t

nts to be in touch with civilization,

ant to camp in, and there are people near enough for safety, besides the 'Emporium' of m

eeple Rocks, in the other direction, so we'll not be bothered with anybody unless we want to be. I like folks, myself, but when you camp

is. "She seemed joll

y, when Dal and I waked up to the fact that Elizabeth was almost a goner, we were scared to pieces. She couldn't get up one morning after Commencement was over,-but you remember abou

u wanted to feed he

I tried all the good recip

reak of rocks where Elizabeth thought he intended to build the "Eyrie." Strolling back from the Point, across an open space partly grown with straggling weeds a

me, girls, to keep me from doing anything,"

around here. Just sit there, Beth, and tell us what to do, if we can't think of

u can go ahead. I'm going to get a supply of wood handy. We'll fix up our portable stove to-morrow, b

hot wieners and open a can of beans. They'll heat in a minute. Dal, th

e woods again for more wood. They heard the sound of his hatchet as they put a cloth on the little folding table and set it in a c

insisting on being allowed to help. What a new atmosphere it was! Here they were, off in

f old limbs here and there. Looking up at a sound, he was surprised to see a rough-looking man approaching him. He was ill

lks doing here?"

summer." He felt like adding, "any objections?" but thought that he would not be th

own this land? I'd not

name is Secrest. My father b

r fathe

fer to ask your questions of my fath

a right to know what str

ountry, you know, and we own this piece of ground. I'm expecting to camp here al

d here for snoopers, nor folks that are too cur'ous. That's all." The man stalked away, tying more tightly a red han

n. "Wait a moment, please. How about these woods and the plac

and thieves and there ain't no good roads for the fellers w

rs over in that

ou don't know much about this pl

us were ever

r father

stion about his father. The man grinned a little. "I reckon a kid like you wouldn't

're going t

d, then, about mindi

company," thought Dalton, as he picked up his sticks, making a load of them. He wondered whether this were one of the fishermen or not. He did not have the same speech as that of the other New Englanders whom they had recently met. The man who had

od at a convenient distance. Leslie found little things for Dalton to do and supper was hurried up. The table was used for buttering bread and fix

f a good meal in the midst of considerable fun and joking. Long acquaintance had made Sarita like a member of the family. She and Leslie recounted amusing incidents of their school year just ended, or

urged Leslie, running her fingers

Beth without her piles of pretty hair. Who was that beau

mad, then, when you infa

'golden,'" reflectively said Sarita. "You might brai

e in my way

e rest of the men about a girl's hair. Think how fine it w

ng his last sandwich. "Think of the 'artisti

cots, and did you think what a fine dresser that big box will make, girls? It has a division in it, you remember. We'll set it on end, put a cover on it over some paper, tack a curtain across, and there will be our

ion? Dal, it's the funniest thing you ever saw and we look crook

e Sarita busied herself in repacking the food in its containers and the others

an "Avenue." Elizabeth and Leslie were now drawing both woolen and cotton blankets from a big trunk of supplies, together with four warm bathrobes. Sarita came in just in time to seize

raveled, found and placed by their owners' cots. On the rude dresser, to be made more attractive in the future, a candlestick, candle

Don't worry; I'll think of just exactly what we have that he must have, too. Say, what did we do with those towels? Thanks. Dal is grand to do things for us, but when it comes to f

I know that you're hot-blooded and all that. I'll just tuck these blanket

g voice. "No, I'll brace them back on this box and then they won't be too heavy on yo

ith laughter, as she sat on the edge of her cot undressing. "We'' couldn't help hear, Le

bed?'-but he was laughing and lifted the flap of the tent f

ath, going to bed away off here,

care of ourselves. Now you in bed first, Beth. You must get out of the way of

weet with her long, light braids, that Leslie walked right over, turned back the blankets on Bet

a rule, from the ocean itself, rather than from the high cliffs. There was little to bring anyone in that direction, except possibly someone of their neighbors from Steeple Rocks. His question to the man had been more to test

to include he did not yet know. There were to be some moments not exactly "healthy," as the man h

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