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A Sister to Evangeline

Chapter VII  Guard!

Word Count: 1415    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

n when I was roused from my reverie by Anderson mak

," he said. "Were you fightin

ghed, springing up a

of old!" he exclaimed,

ieur," I said gently, l

with a bright glance for us all he moved toward the doo

asked, with a kindness in

t right now, and this fair 44wind must not be lost. It will be a fi

of gay inquiry; "and how sweet the apple-blossoms smell! Have you as good air a

swer, I made none. And, indeed, I was spared the nece

th me, won't you?" I hear

to be kind that night. She drew back, and looked d

with a tantalizing ring in her voic

to kiss. Then she waved him a gay bon voyage, and came back into the room with a quick lightness of s

ng straight toward me. But I

g to my feet and hastening to the door. "I will be back in two m

sudden little cloud of astonishment over Yvonne's face. But I would not be delayed. I made haste do

your permission I will accompany you a fe

ny, monsieur," said he, with

rds as something more than the thin clink of compliment.

e illumination, and without

ely, though I thrust my hand be

say to you that-I love-I lo

ttle, and he withdrew h

one mind in that, I

walks upon is sacre

t the passion of my speech

. I do not think we will quar

upported me in hunger and in weariness; it has led me in the wilderness; it has strengthened me in the fight; it has been more to

st, monsieur," said he very gravely, "as non

less than his con

so sure?"

th a sudden resentment. "I will only remind you th

d me, and I smiled slightly in acknow

norable means I will strive to win the love of Mademoiselle de Lamourie. I have hope that she has not yet clearly found the wisdom of her heart. I believe tha

verity, "to hold your life thus, as i

traying a certain triumph which I felt a

e a weakness, then it is one which, up to two years ago, I had scarce dared hope to attain

not the whole of life,"

aid I, "for the lover of

rshly. "I do not fight. I lift not my hand against my fellow-man. Yet did I believe

t, fronting me with eyes grown suddenly cruel. I

in my eyes, the sorest injury in the world. But I will try by fair means only, and if I fail I will bear you no grudge. In all else, however, believe that I do greatly desire your welfare, and will seize with e

t drew back and seemed disposed to

nd with great cordiality. "I rather like you-an

have her love you are the mos

lders held squarely, and a confidence in all his bearing. But a wave of pity for him, and strange

ed soon to be hidden under such a vast wreckage of my hopes that eve

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