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The Smuggler Chief

Chapter 7 THE NOVICE.

Word Count: 2376    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

arta de los Dolores, the Mother Superior of the community, not doubting but that she was summoned to give a detailed account of the morning's events. Do?a Maria

n of her senses, she was quite prepared to confess the impression which the sight of the young man had produced on her, and the present

ity of reading in her eyes what was passing in her soul, she removed all traces of her tears, overcame the feeling of sorrow which

nd those of the other nuns. Nothing could be more religious, more worldly, and more luxurious than its whole appearance. It was an immense square room, with two large pointed windows, with small panes set in lead, on which were painted holy subjects with an admirable delicacy an

large Chinese screen, behind which was concealed the abbess's bed, a simple couch of carved oak, surrounded by a mosquito net of white gauze. A square table, also in oak, supporting a few books and a desk, was in the centre of the room; and in one corner a large library filled with books re

d mystical light, which made the visitor undergo a feeling of respect and co

d by the abbatial crown, and whose seat, covered with gilt leather, was adorned with a double fringe of gold and silk. She hel

ess at length said, on perceiving the

anced tow

of the way of the horse as your dear sister did; but, after all, though the fear exposed your life to danger, I see with satisfaction that you have, thanks to the omnipoten

buena Madre,"

miraculous water; it is, as you are aware, a sovereign remedy against every sort of attack. Worthy Don Francisco Solano, the reverend Pater-Guardi

the firm intention of doing nothing of the sort, as she

o watch over the welfare of all our sisters, and to render their abode in this peaceful

d by the abbess's kind manner, Maria felt a great desire to tell her of the deep aversion she felt for a monastic life, but fearing lest she might be mistaken as to the purport of the wor

r anxiety is for all of us; but I d

t eternally consecrated you to the pious destination which Heaven

eak and display the wound in her heart which was pa

, and am delighted at it, for it would be painful for me to employ with you, whom I love so dearly,

air of hypocritical satisfaction spread over the face of the Mother Superior sufficiently proved that the conversation which she had begun had no other object than

silence for a sign of obedience, or regarded it as a manifestation of utter indiffe

root in your mind, it is my duty to inform you of the orders whi

to read in the abbess's looks

are preparing to take the veil, permission to spend a month with their famil

g, felt her heart beat as if it would

ng that he wished to have you near him, and employ the month which you will spend out of the co

ng what was taking place in her mind be seen,

she said, cla

s continued; "a servant of your family

from exclaiming, as she was intoxicated wit

ns which Providence gave her to escape from a cloistered life. The poor child fancied that her parents were thinking of restoring her to the world; then, reflecting on the slight probability which this hypothesis seemed to possess, she said to herself that, at any rate

thought of leaving us, Maria," she

hrew herself on her neck. "You are so kind and so ind

had felt an hour previously for all that surrounded her had faded away and made room for a warm expres

eligious vows exactly, nor that of preparing to return to the convent worthily at the close of the month, animated with the pious desire of devoting herself to it joyfully, as the trial of the world would serve to show her the slight happiness which those forced to live in it found there. Maria promised all that the superior wished; she only saw through the pompous phrases of the holy woman the temporary liberty o

Rosita could not refra

th out of the convent, and who knows whether I may not see

u think

s my dearest wish to see him aga


nk of myself, and forget that you, too, might perhaps like t

m, he will not call me to his side, for he would be alone to protect me, and what should I do i

r Ro

more of me, but let me rejoice at finding

Then the rest of the day passed as usual. But anyone who had seen the novice before her interview with the Mother Superior, and met her after the latter had made the general's letter known to her, would have noticed a

hole night Leon's image had been before her, flashing in her ravished eye the dazzling prism of a new existence. It was

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