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The Soldier Boy; or, Tom Somers in the Army

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2084    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


Table of

y received into the volunteer army. If the young man seemed to have the requisite physical qualifications, it was

other, and would not willingly have done any thing to displease them. The matter, therefore, was disposed of to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned, and Tom actually commenced hi

joiced the heart of Tom Somers, for his mother actually needed the pittance he had earned at the store. Mrs. Somers had heard nothing from her husband; but the destruction of the Gosport Navy Yard, and the seizure of several northern vessels in the harbor of Norfolk, left her little to

ndent upon the kindness of friends for support. She had freely stated her fears to her children, and fully exhibited the insufficiency of the family resource

he soon made himself proficient. The company was recruited nearly up to its maximum number, an

s of Pinchbrook, marched to Boston, and Tom took a sorrowful farewell

backbone, Thomas," said gran'ther Green

can't fight, I won't

ow as you'll ever see me again, but God bless you, Thomas;" and the old man

, Thomas," add

ll, m

t half so much afraid of your being killed by a

r any thing of t

r friends as well as from your enemies. We s

e shall not be

your Testament, Thom

ds with all the members of the family, kissed his mother and his

ed his inclination to weep, but he could no longer restrain the tears. Suddenly they came like a flood bursting the gates

private Hapgood, who stoo

ould take me down li

f game," added Ben Lethbridge, w

t help

ry up! Soldiers

en years beyond the period of exemption from military duty. "I don't bla

soldier that blubbers like a baby. I hope he won't r

to see how thick the heels of you

n by that, old u

march!" said the captain; and the discussio

aw the whole family except John, who was in the escort, standing at the front gate. The old soldier swung his hat, Tom's sisters and his mother waved their handkerchiefs; but when they saw the soldier boy, they had to

t loved spot, now a thousand times more dear than ever before. Never had he realized the meaning of home; never before had he felt how closely his heart's tendrils were en

gazed behind him again, to take his last look at the familiar spot. His mother and sister still stood at the fron

e the involuntary ejaculations of the soldier

true to himself, and true to those whom he had left behind him. That last look at home and those that make it home, like the last fond gaze we bestow on the loved and the lost, was treasured up in the garner of the heart's choicest memories

his bosom, and yet not big enough to contain all he felt. He wept again, and his tears seemed to come from deeper down than his eyes. He did not h

n Lethbridge. "I thought you was mo

plied Tom, vainly struggli

. We don't want a gre

ld Hapgood. "He'll get over

I didn't think you were

as well as you will. I've been about in the world some, and I reckon I've as

uns away at th

bet he

om, with energy, as he drew h

et Tom will be able to tell you the latest news from the front, where the battle's the hottest.

call me a coward, why don't you say

If you'd been with the fust Pennsylvany, where I was, you'd a-known su

Boston, he had even regained his wonted cheerfulness. The procession halted upon the wharf, where the company was to embark on a steamer for Fort Warren. As the boat which was to convey them to the fort had

ack?" asked th

pany, and the captain wo

, Ja



she won

ou ask

of going till after

would be an awful blow to m

enthusiasm of the latter had been so aroused by the march and its a

s company, I shall s

have mother left alone. We haven't been mustered in y

ound to go someh

ney, who declared John should go home with him if he had to take him by the colla

heir friends again, went on board, and, amid the hearty che

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