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The Song of Songs

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

duty-the papers in Lemke vs. Militzky," he interrupted himself to call to his managing clerk, who had just then entered. "What was I going to s

shining bald pate and straw-coloured beard, beneath w

thing is to get the young ladies the right positions. The homely ones give most trouble, unless they happen to possess a certain measure of self-abnegation. It pays them to assume the so-called Christian virtues. But of course you don't belong in that category-you probably know it yourself-I tell you me

, suddenly appeared at the lawyer's sid

n-Reimann vs. Fassbender-get everything ready, and have someone here to

ing clerk

the right one-that you might be seduced. What I'd rather see you than anything else is the lady in a large photographic establishment who receives customers. But it seems to me you haven't enough self-confidence as yet for that. One must make a deep impression at first sight, because people who leave an order have to have some inducement for coming back to call for their pictures. I've selected something else for you, for the purpose more of giving you a short period of trial

d the tears from h

as the only excuse she could find. "I

His bald spot looked as petted and

her owned must be sold. The proceeds will serve as a small capital. I lay stress on having such a sum, no matter how insignificant. Now you will go back to your home with my man-the key

n her own for an instant; then she found herself staggering down the dark steps beh

questions, beg him for something.

s of light, as in a tomb, the tomb of her life, the tomb of her youth, Lilly fe

shutters back and

inen on the floor, and close by were two brown stains, the blood

the presence of the clerk, who stood there stu

underwear and some books chosen at random, and then looked around for mementos. Her brain was befogged. She saw everything and recognised nothi

d, and with the score under her arm, stepped

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