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The Spruce Street Tragedy


Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

?" asked George Mo

me other means of entrance and exit to this sub-cellar know

kes you

ere. What d

l-hole and it

r fastened o


lately could they have fastened down


t vault to-night, for instance, could


e some other way to reach the sub-cellar

e has visited the place since the mu

you expl

Margaret Ernst's basement, through the vault and the other tunnel. They killed the old woman, and, as a blind, filled

or your theory, some one has visited that vault since the murder, and

how do you

o-day's newspaper, which

u've got me th

there must be another e


find i

sir," and the

denly uttered a low exclamation of satisfaction, and Mo

dark opening in the front foundation wall, below the level of t

" asked Geor

you und

ve, I

onnected with a catch-basin at the next corner, where, undoubtedly, there is a ladder, or iron spikes are driven i

is a shrewder thin

we are driven to it, I pr


actly how the land lies, l

ir," and they

ematic search of the place. Not a bunk, not a drawer, not a box, not a corner was neglected

al case; and behind a tier of bunks he found a door leading into a smaller vault, originally intended,

veyed the smaller vault, "this may pr

ed the younger detective

istaken, you will see, a

ard the sound of footsteps in the

d Old Spicer, pointing

he tier of bunks, moved them back to their place, and joined George in the inner

ap-door under the table was raised up and a man, of

from under the table than ano

aid this last. "I've got my go

ompanion's coat and h

ng that great, heavy, conspicuous-looking coat at all times and s

erfect goats; shust think uf all der bockets, und vo

I'll say no more about the outlandish-looking thing just

ve vos here," and the young Hebrew picked up the dark-lantern Barney had placed o

When he returned he excl

ere vos somepody peen in der tu

ou know t

es; you


kicked apout l

oor for certain; but they may not h

eetle vays anyhow;

Then they may come

I vos dinki

l come to-night, so let's get ahead

dings to trink, Parney?

ng on somebody-if you can. Where's that flask of whisk

t McCarthy's, Parney. I di

ok something.

s shust a leetle drop uv prandy-no

ake, you're a

vot my gi

cellent judg

pet she v

if it is fit for a gentleman to drink.

said Jake, handing him the flask.

luck to your liberal soul," and placing the flask to his

tty good; must be some of McCarthy's best. Better get som

Parney, dot vos an a


ask. "Holy Moses! if I have dot cheek, I vos rich. I voul

me, and I fancy it will assist me through the

doubt of do

you know, Jake, I need a lit

ingly, "I pet you need somedings after t

ng about now?" deman

t all. Now vot you got to told me

o prepare yours

e a goot vhi

ttle tim

to stay in this hole any

ligently in the future, you have got to k

vos dead fas


duffer vos ready to bay vot he


do I vont to know

any desire to keep your n

do you mean, Par

tly, and I w

rney, I wi

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