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The Spruce Street Tragedy


Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t of five steps, leading from the trap under the table to the entrance of the tunnel, was thrown for

lf to the floor of the vault, Barney Hawks followed him, carefully restoring

, Jake?" asked Barney, "I bro

re vos some candles in der lower

ling in the place indicated, "her

Jew came forward and communi

y have found your little boodle," and

s heavy loss, and a more unhappy Jew never cut a th

I do? Oh, holy Moses! schust help me to catch dot tamned Old Spi

time gone. I vos schust ready to lay me town u

is way," said Barney. "But cheer up, my boy; you've escaped with

tamned neck!" hissed Jake. "I vould sch

ld like

ous, dot vould ma

ays, but just now we must see Sadie, and afte

ting now," sighed Ja

more yellow boys to be had where those came from. Pshaw

o; I don

h that long, thin church-spir

d with der od

t. Come o

unnel, carefully closing

he sub-cellar, Barney

ey have placed a watch

done, ov course," responded

's name, how are we

returned Jake,

s companion with a

money affect you in that way? Are you willing to die-to be

e as to pe vidout gold,"

do for both of us, and I take it I can put you in the way of ge

cked up

?" he asked, with so

hooting-irons abou


loody knife


me and keep y

you lead, so long as dere vos

ar, and instead of turning either toward the coal vault or opening into the disused

ended, but found the

pocket, and fastening them to the key which was in

cipal floor, and from thence to the second

reached the particular house Barney had in mind, and here

fastened on

and passing one to Jake, directed him to insert it under one corne

he presen

y," was t

ies at the same time, the staples underneath gave way

t," exclaimed Jak

e room I am going to take you to there is a stron

ve hundred tollars! Vos der r

or a little less; but you'll find

money v

, of Arizona, and has been sent on here to their treasurer and agent, Mr.

k dey vill hav' to pass dot

kes me t

vos dot

, and that's what I


this sleeping-room is another and smaller apartment, which is used by Marsden as a sort of

er room vos der


. Marsden's ped, and run der ri


ve vos sure dere vos dhirty d

money was paid to Marsden at noon to-day, or

't he put it

the city, and swears that not one of them shall ever handle another dollar that he cont

! ve vill safe him d

, at any rate.

ney. Suppose the

had a little chl

e ha'n't go


v dem underdake to

ence them in the e

t Parney-you shus

I'm mighty glad to see you in

ree dousand tollars vas enough to make any

king of gold, I must confess. Now, then, I'l


se the scut

closed and fastened the scuttle while Barn

f candle he had brought with him, and the two burg

y, they traversed the hall and

efore a closed door

l to Jake, he put out the

s locked on

to his nippers, and spee

om was situated; for, without the slightest hesitation, he s

he foot of the bed, which he struck with such force as to startle the slee

etermined voice from the bed. "Speak

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