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The Boy Inventors' Flying Ship


Word Count: 1806    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

the rear, sprang up the gangway steps the burly

is," he admonished, and

, fell in a sprawling heap. Jumping over his prostrate form, as he lay there s

ailors. Jack reached the deck just in time to see a noose thrown over his father's head,

shouted Jack angrily

ut his foot and Jack fell in a heap. In an instant the sailor pounced on him. But Tom,

avy form of his captor was remov

time managed to throw off the man whom he had attacked and, springing to his feet, he joined his comrades. The three boys, their backs to a deck ho

he boys menacingly. Under one of his eyes, so Jack noted wit

n't a bit of good, your putting up a scrap. You

r?" shouted Jack, rushing at him,

was seized by a dozen of the crew who,

rew of twenty men and they'll all do just as I tell 'em to. Now that you know what you're up against,

me. Tom and Dick still held their attitudes of defense. Poor Jack was t

ch of life savers ashore who'd come out and clap us all in irons for mutiny. We rush

interfered, and now you've got to pay for it. If we let you go ashore you'd get the gov'ment after us and we'd get in hot wat

er hurt?" d

. I fired a shot at him to keep him quiet, scare him like. That's a

ck, anxiously. "What's g

can just as well go to the bottom as no

across the deck after him. Unarmed as they were, they had no chance of putting up any fight. And so, within an hour after they had set out to answer the call for assistance,

s chamber there opened off several smaller doors. One of these was open and through this and into a small cabin the boys were r

rably at each other

s!" excla

ingly, sinking down on the edge of a bunk. "There's all

ight to say anything. He was there by his own fault solely, and the freckle-faced bo

silence, during which they had heard a trampling of feet on deck

n't make it any better," spoke up Jack wretchedly. "It's the thought

"but can you form any idea as to w

hook h

at there had been a mutiny of some sort, and that between the time that we answered th

ll down the flag when you looked

eck appeared to be battling with some

w a despatch in the paper some time ago about this very yacht," he went on. "The cable came from the Canary Islands and said that the Valkyrie had put in there with a mutinous crew and shipped another one. She then proceed

" said Jack, "I don't think the professor is much of a chap fo

"Anyhow, one thing is sure; for some reason this new crew has mutinied like the old one. They now have

after treating them in the manner that they had, the mutinous crew could not afford

e felt that this bright-eyed, alert lad was more likely to have the key

wrong, the rascals now in control of this craft must have had some sort of idea that she was on a treasure hunt. In that case, I t

t they will do wit

anada, you've got me stuck. Maroo

moving!" cried

abin in which the boys were confined and Jack thrust his head out. But he could see no signs of the Wondership. Instead, thro

that an odd sound came o

exclaimed Tom, the fir

"maybe it is your father. They

"Listen to those taps. Don't you

e screw and the rush of water along the moving vessel's side they cou

oli," cried Dick suddenly, "

nd leaning against the wooden wall of the cabin he

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