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The Motor Boys Bound for Home


Word Count: 1692    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ction indicated by Jerry. Both the tall lad's ch

ed Bob, with complete disreg

e doing here?

an't be that he feels so indignant at us for having honestly mis

find we have our gang with us,

lared Bob. "I've a good notion to go up

his into execution. "Let's lay low for a while, and see what we can[38

this homeward trip. Let's get out to sea before we tackle le co

tle man descending a companionway. "He must feel at home. I did

ike to know what it all means. This man is an American, by his talk, but he isn't at

the professor onc

e, when we get back home. Gee! After what we've gone th

ix de guerre. "I'd rather see my back yard with the sunflowers and the


leaving the harbor of Brest and

is," observed Ned, as he and his chums found their s

ob. "There isn't much more elbow

laimed Jerry. "

rst requisite was to bring back as many as possible in the shortest possible time, and also transport as many casualties as could safely and comfortably be accommodated. The recovered, or partly recovered, wounded were the first consideration, and none of the soldiers who were comparative

owd that the soldiers had to stand up to eat, many of them, and they were glad

laimed Bob to his chums. "And do you know

," laughed Ned. "It has somethi

tout lad. "You may be thankful t

hunky?" asked Jerry. "Go on, t

er where we'll be handed our rations," suggested Bob. "They'll be giving the mess call soon,

n at that," commented Jer

omething-for onc

r of eating, the three lads asked their way about the troopship[41] until th

sighed Bob, as he look

it's only a little while ago that

nfessed Bob. "It alway

k, or sought such sheltered places as they could find, and smoked, played cards, talked or read. Later on some entertainments might be gotten up,

dable bit of forethought. For while some of the soldiers hurried here and there in what approached co

omplimented Jerry, as he cleaned his pla


added Ned. "You may come to

the stout one, sm

to be boat drill. That is, each man was to be told where his station was, and what boat he was to try to get into in

war was over, there was a chance th

rtable place they had preempted on the after deck, and they were sitting

he is

sked the

," was the answ

ke out the little bald-headed man of the restaurant. He was peering at them through his spectacles over the

conscious that he was under observation and had been detected in

what his game is

I!" agre

ch," said Bob. "He seem

hey don't know, maybe they can find out from the ship's captain. It may be this fellow is a German spy, or at

we can get a line o

ades who wanted them to join a party that was going to call on some of the wounded who were bel

44] revert to him until late that night whe

me inquiries i

e as those oftentimes they had stretched out on when in some camp. But they were too happy

adium-faced wrist watch, when the midnight attack took place. And it was made on Bob. He

uddenly awakening and instinctively gl

ely, and the tones were not those of Chunky. Then

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